Pearle – NooTheme NooTheme Thu, 28 Apr 2016 10:12:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pearle – NooTheme 32 32 Update Theme Thu, 12 Nov 2015 03:24:25 +0000

Automatic Update

Only by carrying out steps on Envato market and in Admin Panel > NOO settings > Quick Setup can you update the theme automatically:

  • Step 1: Hover over username then choose Download
  • Step 2: Select “License certificate and purchase code”
  • Step 3: In Admin Panel, choose NOO settings > navigate to Quick setup tab > Enter code into License key
  • Step 4: Save changes


Install theme and Import demo data Thu, 12 Nov 2015 03:09:04 +0000  


To import the demo data, please go to Noo settings> Import Demo> Tick all three boxes to import Post, Nav Menu and Comment>  Let the mouse hover over the theme you want to install > Click on Install Demo button. You can see this video for the further instruction:

Import Demo

carle demo


Import Slider Revolution Thu, 12 Nov 2015 03:04:46 +0000

After you import the demo data successfully, the next and crucial step is to import Sliders so that they can be shown on pages of the site.

To import Sliders, follow these steps:
Step 1: Go to Slider Revolution> click Import Slider> click Choose file (the uploaded file is ZIP)
Step 2: To choose the file, navigate to Pearle_Package> rev_slider > select a theme, for example, carle > file
Step 3: Click Import Slider then you will see the Home slider appear in Slider Revolution:



In case, you imported the demo data of another theme, for instance, the first installed one is Carle then you would like to replace it with Printing. Thus, it is certain that you will have to import sliders of own Printing.
Step 1: Make sure that you have already installed and activated WordPress Database Reset.
Step 2: Go to Tools> Database Reset > click Select All> paste the security code into the box> click Reset Table.
Step 3: Go to Slider Revolution> Delete sliders you uploaded in the previous theme.
Step 4: Return to steps of importing Sliders stated above.


Requirement For Pearle Mon, 09 Nov 2015 07:15:50 +0000 To use Pearle theme, you must be running WordPress 3.6 or higher, PHP 5.6 or higher, and MySQL 5 or higher. Follow below checklist to ensure your host can work well with Pearle theme:

  • Your web host has the minimum requirements to run WordPress.
  • They are running the latest version of WordPress.
  • You can download the latest release of WordPress from official WordPress website.
  • You did create best secure passwords FTP and Database.
Download Theme Package Mon, 09 Nov 2015 07:14:35 +0000 After purchasing our theme from Themeforest, you will need to download theme package for your use. To download the package, please login to your Themeforest account, navigate to “Downloads”, click the “Download” button in the left of the theme, choose “All files & documentation” to download our theme package to your computer. The theme package includes:

  • Pearle Theme File: Includes file that consists of everything you need to install the theme.
  • Document Folder: Includes Pearle Documentation file that helps you get to know about Pearle and guides you to build your site with our theme.
  • Licensing Folder: Includes the licensing files of Themeforest purchase.
WordPress Information Mon, 09 Nov 2015 06:44:27 +0000 Before installing this theme, please make sure you have a working WordPress version already installed. For further guide to install WordPress, please find in useful links below:

WordPress Codex: General info about WordPress and how to install your server.
Instructional Video: How-To video created by Woo Themes
First Steps With WordPress: Multiple topics about WordPress.
FAQ New To WordPress: Popular FAQs about WordPress.

Page Templates Tue, 03 Nov 2015 01:09:40 +0000 We have built some specific Carle page templates for you. Here is the list and their short description:
• Default Template: The default template can be used for any page. You can customize and add shortcode to build Homepage, Contact, Blog…
Full- width Template: This template is set to be full-width that can be used for Homepage, About page….Most of our demo pages use this kind of template.

• Template One page: This template is used for Home One page
• Template Print: This template is used to create Print page

Page Settings Mon, 02 Nov 2015 10:56:46 +0000
When you create a new page, you will have options to change elements of Header :
Header setting: there is a drop-down list here.
Using header in Customizer: The Header style chosen in Customizer will be used for this page
Header Boxed, Header Shop, Header Business, Header Transparent, Header Minimalist and Header Centralized: If you pick one of these styles, it will be prioritized to be used for the page.
Menu Logo: Upload a Logo image
Heading background image: select a unique heading image for this page
Revolution Slider: This option is used for only One Page Template. Opt a kind of Slider in the drop-down list.
Note: In spite of what you set up in Customizer, all options above will always be prioritized.


Create A New Page Mon, 02 Nov 2015 10:40:56 +0000 Please follow these steps to create your pages:

  • Step 1: In Admin Panel, choose Page, click “Add New” on top then enter your page title. You can custom slug of the page in Permalink field appeared after entering title.

If you need to know more about Pages in WordPress, use the Help tab in the upper right of your screen.

  • Step 2: In Page Attributes box on the right side, choose your Parent page. It is set by default as no parent. Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can choose your own order by entering a number in Order field.
  • Step 3: Also in Page Attributes box, choose your Page Template in dropdown list.
  • Step 4: Start editing your page content in the editing field. You can choose to edit your content using Visual or Text editor. To build content for you page you will need to our provided Shortcodes.
  • Step 5: Make other settings for the page in meta-boxes under editing field. Once you get your settings done, click Publish.

Next, we will introduce you elements or short codes used to build each page


After editing any sections in an element setting, please click Save changes button and then Publish/Update button.

We instruct you to create shortcodes in pages so that your pages will be exactly similar to those on our demo site. Yet, it is up to you to make adjustments to settings of elements. By virtue of this creative action, your site will become special :).

Preface Mon, 02 Nov 2015 02:27:14 +0000 Firstly we would love to send our great thanks to you for purchasing Pearle. This documentation covers almost everything to guide you step by step to have your site on air. We encourage you to read all sections thoroughly before you go on. If you still have to cope with any problem around, get our quick support at NooTheme Support Center.

Thanks again and enjoy building your website with Pearle.

Note: Pearle contains 5 themes that are Bikang, Carle, Cleaning, Construct, Printing and Transport. We will give you instructions of Carle theme. After that, you can make use of knowledge to use the remaining themes.

Footer Sun, 01 Nov 2015 14:39:04 +0000
The Footer is composed of Widget area . Thus, now you can guess that you will have to use not only Customizer but also Appearance>Widgets to make adjustments to the Footer.
You can see available widgets on the left side and 4 sidebars belonging to Footer: Noo – Footer Column #1, Noo – Footer Column #2, Noo – Footer Column #3 and Noo – Footer Column #4.


1. Noo Footer Column #1

Drag Noo Information to Noo Footer Column #1 > click the triangle icon on the right of the widget to complete options:
Description: Give a short description
Upload an image
Address, Phone, Mail, Website, Copyright and Link of social pages

2. Noo Footer Column #2

Drag Noo Category Services to Noo Footer Column #2 > click the triangle icon > Type Title > Save

3. Noo Footer Column #3

Drag Noo Custom Menu to Noo Footer Column #3 > click the triangle icon > type title and select a menu (we opt Custom Menu in this drop-down list)> Save.
Note: The Custom Menu is created in Appearance> Menus:page340

4. Noo Footer Column #4

Drag Recent Tweets to Noo Footer Column #4 > click the triangle icon > complete options in this widget > Save


After accomplishing all steps above, please navigate to Customizer > Footer > You can upload background image of Footer, set number of Footer columns (on our demo site, we choose four columns)  > Save and Publish.


Mega Menu Sun, 01 Nov 2015 12:38:57 +0000
Carle equips you with a kind of menu called Mega menu whose sample is placed on Shop page of our demo site. Basically, it has some typical features:


• The first one, a noticeable feature is that Mega menu allows you to organize sub-menus according to columns. Meanwhile, sub-menus are usually arranged in conformity with hierarchy.
• The structure of a mega menu contains Mega menu heading, sub-pages and widget area.
• Mega menu helps icons to be shown next to pages and sub-pages on the Navigation bar


Create A Mega Menu

In order that you can better perceive how to build a Mega menu, we will opt Shop page in which Mega menu is created. Please follow these steps:


Step 1: Navigate to Appearance > Menus > do the same steps mentioned in Set up Menu to obtain structure of the mega menu on Shop page as in the image


Step 2: Click the triangle icon on the right of Shop pages item then it will expand into many options like:Navigation label: name of the parent page (Shop page)Icon: you can select an icon of the page and change size, color and position of the icon here. Click the arrow icon to opt an icon and click the stick icon to make alternations to the icon.

Enable Mega menu: ticking this box allows display of megamenu

Mega menu column: This option has a drop-down list of different numbers of columns shown in Mega menu area. The number varies from 2 to 6. On our demo site, this number is 4.

Hide Mega menu heading: Check this box if you want to hide Mega menu heading. In our demo, Shop pages item is considered to be a Mega Menu heading. When you choose option of hiding mega menu heading, Shop pages title will automatically disappear on Mega menu area.



Step 3: Regarding Shop menu item, it is a Custom link. Therefore, you also have common options like URL, Navigation, Title Atribute and Icon. Besides, you will have an extra option named Mega Menu Widget Area which contains a drop-down list. Thus, you will have to opt Select Widget area whereas the remaining options in this drop-down list will make Shop pages item become a widget area.


Step 4: As for sub-pages like Wishlist, Cart, My account and Checkout, you only need to modify three options which are Navigation Label, Title Attribute and Icon.


Step 5: Widget 1, 2 and 3 constitute the widget area of Mega menu. Therefore, before making any changes to options included in these three items, please assure that you created sidebars and widgets corresponding to them:

  • We have three sidebars: Menu One, Menu Two and Menu Three.

Learn more about creating sidebars:

  • Next, navigate to Appearance > widgets > drag WooCommerce Products widget to Menu One, Menu Two and Menu Three. Click the triangle icon then you will have further options like Title, number of products to show, Show (All products, Featured products, On-sale products), Order by(Date, Price, Random and Sales), Order (Descending or Ascending).

Learn more about adding widgets to a sidebar:


Similar to Shop menu item, Widget 1, 2 and 3 are Custom links; therefore, you will also have options like URL, Navigation label, Title Attribute, Icon and Mega Menu Widget Area. In the drop-down list of Mega Menu Widget Area, opt Menu One, Menu Two and Menu Three to Widget 1, Widget 2 and Widget 3 respectively.

Step 6: Click Save Menu button
