Notica – NooTheme NooTheme Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:48:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Notica – NooTheme 32 32 Extras Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:45:09 +0000 Come together with Notica, these plugins are recommended to install and activate for flexible use. Below are the source for documentation and support of each plugins.

Visual Composer

Notica works well with Visual Composer, the popular drag and drop page builder plugin with intuitive interface to build your content at ease. If you plan to use Visual Composer Plugin for your site, check out these source:

Visual Composer WordPress Plugin Documentation for user guide to use the plugin.

Visual Composer WordPress Plugin Support System for support upon issues of the plugin.

Contact Form 7

Notica is fully compatible with Contact Form 7, the free form plugin recommended to create a nice form for your site. If you plan to use Contact Form Plugin for your site, check out these source:

Contact Form 7 Plugin Page for basic information about the plugin

Contact Form 7 Plugin Documentation for user guide to use the plugin

Contact Form 7 Plugin Support Forum for support upon issues of the plugin

Notica Widget Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:44:12 +0000 Widgets are frequently used to create sidebar or footer. Beside default WordPress widgets, Notica added number of job and resume custom widgets. To view all Widgets, navigate to Appearance–> Widgets. You can drag and drop widgets from left sidebar list into footer columns or sidebars as you want. Here is the list of Notica Custom Widget you may want to use to have sidebar and footer like in Notica demo.

Noo Categories

Show all Notica categories and number post on each category. Can be used in Footer and filtering post by category

Recent News

Show all post which is latest created on categories. Can be used in Footer as our demo site.

Noo Counter Social

Show all the number of persons who followed your site via social. Can be used in Home page as our demo site.

To create Counter Social, navigate to Appearance–> Widgets page. Add Noo Counter Social widget to the sidebar you want.

Facebook page URL

Your Facebook URL will be something like

Twitter Followers Counter

You need to Create a Twitter App and set it’s info in Settings–> Social Counter–> Twitter. You need to enter Twitter username, Twitter Consumer key, and Twitter Consumer secret

Youtube Channel URL

Your Youtube Channel URL will be something like or

Vimeo Channel URL

Your Vimeo Channel URL will be something like

Dribbble URL

Your Dribbble Profile URL will be something like

Sound Cloud Info

To get Sound Cloud API, Please following these steps:

    • Step 1: Go to Your Applications page.
    • Step 2: Click On Register a new application Button

    • Step 3: Enter your App Name and click on Register

  • Step 4: Check on Yes, I have read and accepted the Developer Policies and Click on Save App Button


To get Behance API, please follow these steps:

    • Step 1: Go to Manager Your Applications page
    • Step 2: Click “+Register a New App”, it will display form Register your Application, you need to fill out this information and start developing your app

  • Step 3: Click “Register Your App” to get Behance API then go to Notica theme: Dashboard–> Settings–> Social Counter–> Find Behance to enter your Behance URL and Behance API:

Latest Rating

Show all post which is latest rated by customer or admin.

Notica Sidebar Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:35:46 +0000 To make it more convenient for you, we pre-made 2 Notica Sidebar that we used in our demo. They are all ready to be added any post and page you want.

  • Contact Sidebar: is the sidebar with tabs widget, text widget which is being used in Contact page in our demo.
  • Home Sidebar: is the sidebar with noo counter social, tabs widget, text widget which is being used in Home page in our demo.
Adding Sidebar Widgets Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:34:24 +0000 In addition to default WordPress widgets, Notica included Custom Menu, Latest Rating, Social Count Plus, Noo Categories, Post Slider widgets. You can add any widget and any number of widgets into your sidebar. All widgets are accessible from Appearance–> Widgets and easily dragged and dropped into your sidebar.

  • Step 1: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets to access the list of widgets and widget section that they can be added. The left hand side shows all the widgets you can use. The right hand side shows all different sections you can add widgets to.
  • Step 2: Simply drag and drop the widget you want into the widgets section you want the right hand side.
  • Step 3: Don’t forget to click save changes after you customize any widget in sidebar
Adding Smart Sidebar For Page/Blog Sat, 18 Apr 2015 05:06:27 +0000 Notica theme provides smart sidebar feature. Notica smart sidebar is a sticky sidebar that has auto resize and its scroll with the content. To enable smart sidebar you can go to Admin Panel–>Customizer–>Site Enhancement–> Click On Enable Smart Sidebar button.

With Blog page, To have smart sidebar on sidebar position you only need to enable smart sidebar on Customizer.

To enable smart sidebar on Pages, you need to do some steps below:

  • Step 1: Navigate to Pages–> Add News page
  • Step 2: Add Row shortcode then divide row the ratio you want.

Example: we divided row 2/3 + 1/3

  • Step 3: Add Widgetised Sidebar shortcode to the right side of row. Then select your sidebar you want to display on your page.

  • Step 4: In the left side you can add your shortcode and remember add extra class name: noovc-smart-content for Columns. This step will help you have smart sidebar for your section.


  • Step 5: All done, click Publish to save your changed.

To learn more about to Add Smart Sidebar for Page, please see our video tutorial.

Create Sidebar Sat, 18 Apr 2015 05:02:48 +0000 Notica allows you to create an unlimited number of sidebar. Each page or post can come with unique sidebar.

To select a sidebar for post or page, make sure you set page template with sidebar then you can choose a sidebar you want to display from Sidebar dropdown list on the right side. You may need to create several separate sidebars to use for different pages and posts. Follow these steps to general a sidebar and widgets to it.

Create sidebar

  • Step 1: Navigate to Appearance–> Sidebar Generator and click the Add New button, enter sidebar title then save. You can add as many sidebars as you need.
  • Step 2: Once you are done, you need to add Widgets to the sidebar you just created.
  • Step 3: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets and find your sidebar on the right side.
  • Step 4: On the left hand side you will see all the widgets you can use, simply drag and drop the widget you want into your sidebar on the right hand site.
  • Step 5: Make sure you click Save to save the widgets added to your sidebar.
Notica Shortcode Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:59:46 +0000 Instead of writing lines of code to build elements, we built Notica with number of premade shortcodes that enable you to create many elements you see in our demo in fingertips. By installing Visual Composer (the page builder plugin integrated in the theme package), you will have the Visual Backend Editor where every shortcodes are displayed visually before your eyes and easily generated in several click. In addition to Default Visual Composer shortcode, Notica comes with 16 specific shortcodes. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Notica tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcode to any pages or posts for your own use.

There are 16 Notica shortcodes added. Below are the list of 16 shortcodes and their attributes.

The guide below will describes detail of each shortcode which used to Notica theme.

Noo Slider Shortcode

This shortcode provides many options that will help you to make awesome slider.

General options

  • Data source: Select content type to get posts for your slider, including category, tag or post.

If you choose to get posts by Category please select categories you want to display items on slider. Similarly with content type: tags.

If you want to get content by Post, enter specific ID of post you want to display on slider.

  • Order by: This option allows you to arrange posts in title alphabet order or date order.
  • Show Share Count: This option allows you to enable/disable share count feature on posts.
  • Total Items: Select max limit of items to display or enter -1 to display all post.

Design options

  • Layout Style: This option will help you to choose layout that slider will be displayed. There are 2 layouts you can choose: Hide Meta-post and Show Meta-post.

Hide Meta-post

Show Meta-post

  • Limited post of slider: The number of post will be displayed on one slide. You can choose from 2 to 6 posts for one slider.
  • Height for slider: Enter height for slider.

Noo Featured News

This shortcode will help you to find feature posts that will display on your site.

  • Categories: Select categories to display featured posts on your site.
  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title.
  • Color title: You can select color title by choosing color on color table or enter your color code in color box.
  • Column: The columns attribute controls width of columns should be displayed on Featured News page. You can change number of columns from 1 to 4.
  • Posts per page: This option allows you to select how many posts to show on one Featured News page.
  • Layout Style: Select the layout for Featured News .There are 2 styles: Default and Info Overlay. If you choose Info Overlay, that means some information of post such as Title, date, comment, etc.. will overlap on post image.

In addition, you can show/hide title of post, Author, Date, Count Comments and Excerpt of post. If you choose to show Excerpt, you need to enter number of characters shown in excerpt part.

  • Order By: You can arrange posts by Recent First (all posts which are newly created), Older First (all post that is older created), Title Alphabet (all post that is arranged ascending) and Title Reversed Alphabet (all post that is ordered descending).
  • Visibility: Select the devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/ PC devices.
  • Class: Enter a unique class name.
  • Custom Style: If you want to custom for featured news, you can enter css code on Custom Style box.

Noo Recent News Shortcode

This shortcode allows latest posts displayed on your site.

  • Categories: Select categories to display posts on your page.
  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Columns: The columns attribute controls how wide are columns of posts should be displayed. You can choose number of column from 1 to 4.
  • Post per page: The maximum posts will be displayed on Recent News page.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of text is displayed on post selection.
  • Visibility: The devices that the post will be displayed You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Noo Post Slider

Use this shortcode if you want to display Post Formats as slider.

  • Post Formats: This option allows you to select post type appeared at slider.
  • Post visible in column: The number of post will appear on one column. You can choose from 1 to 3 posts in one column.
  • Columns: The columns attribute controls how wide are columns of posts should be displayed. You can choose column from 1 to 3 columns.
  • Post per page: This option will help you to configure the maximum number of post on your site.

Noo Popular Video

This shortcode will help you automatic display video posts with most view on your site. Some options of this shortcode is the same as Noo Post Slider shortcode. You can see that shortcode above to learn more about options.

Noo Recent Quote

This shortcode allows you to display latest quotations from all quote post on one page.

  • Posts per page: The maximum number of quote posts will be displayed on the page.
  • Visibility: The devices that the quote posts will be displayed, you can choose Phone/Tablet/PC devices for your page.

Noo Category with Tab

Use this shortcode if you want to display a category with tab and slider.


  • Categories: You can choose category to display on your page.
  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your posts. Following different order including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.
  • Post per page: The maximum number of posts will be displayed on page/ category.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of text is displayed on post selection.

Design options

  • Layout Style: This option will help you to choose layout for post of category. You can choose Full Width, Custom 2 columns block and Grid 2 columns style.
  • Post per one slider: The number of post will be displayed on one slider.

Noo Recent Comment

This shortcode will show all posts those have had the latest comments.

  • Post per page: The maximum number of posts which have latest comment will be displayed.
  • Visibility: You can select the devices that Post will be displayed.

Noo Timeline News

This shortcode allows you to create a timeline of latest posts from multiple categories.

  • Categories: Select multi categories to display on timeline.
  • Post per page: The maximum number of posts will be showed on Timeline.

Noo Image Gallery

This shortcode is used to show all image as I gallery. This shortcode has many options below:

  • Color title: You can select background color for title by choosing color via color table or enter your color code on box.
  • Images: This option will help you select multi images from image library or you can upload image on your computer by Select Files
  • Image per page: The maximum number of images you want to show on your page.
  • Column: The column attribute controls how many columns of image will be displayed on Image Gallery.

Noo Audio Post

This shortcode is used to display audio post. You can sort your audio post by Recent First (ordered by latest post) and Count View (ordered by most viewed post)

Noo Custom Editor Picks

This shortcode allows you to pick up specific posts you want to display on your page.

  • Color title: Select background color title.
  • Include only: Enter title of posts or pages you want to display on your page
  • Layout Style: There are two Layout styles you can choose. That is: Vertical and Horizontal style.



  • Order By: You can arrange posts by Recent First (all posts which is newly created), Older First (ordered by oldest post), Title Alphabet (arranged ascending) and Title Reversed Alphabet (ordered descending).

Noo Trending Shortcode

This shortcode is used to show many posts which followed by trending (post is most read on day).

Noo Full Slider

This shortcode will help you create nice and awesome full width slider.


  • Categories: Select multiple categories to display posts on your slider.
  • Order By: This option will help you to arrange posts by Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.
  • Limited post of Slider: The number of posts will be displayed on slider.

Slider options

  • Layout Style: This option allows you to select layout for slider including Full Screen, Auto Height and Custom Height style.
  • Auto Play: If checked, your slider will be automatically transmitted on your page.

Tabs options

This tab contains the options which control each element on one slider.

  • Slider Effect: You can choose your effect for one slider that includes Slideshow effect and Fade effect.
  • Limited post of Tabs: The number of posts will be shown on one slider.
  • Excerpt length: The number of characters displayed on post selection.

Latest Rating

This shortcode used to display latest rating posts which are rated by customer.


  • Title: Enter text that will be used for title element.
  • Post per page: The maximum number of posts you want to show on your page.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of characters will be displayed on post selection.

Tabbed Category List

This shortcode used to display list posts on Blog page.

  • Select category: You can choose category to display on blog page.
  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your posts. Following different order including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.
  • Columns: The columns attribute controls how wide are columns of posts should be displayed. You can choose column from 1 to 3 columns
  • Style Featured: If Yes, you will have blog page that first post will display full featured image and post meta is overlie on this image.

Style Featured: Yes

Style Featured: No

  • Posts per page: The maximum number of posts will be displayed on page/category.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of text is displayed on post selection.

Noo Classic Blog Shortcode

This shortcode used to display all posts on Home Grid Slider page

  • Categories: Select categories on which post will be displayed on your page.
  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Color title: You can select color title by choosing color on color table or enter your color code in color box.
  • Post per page: The maximum number of posts will be displayed on page/category.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of text is displayed on post selection.
  • Show Share Count: This option allows to enable/disable share count on your post.
  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your posts. Following different order including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.


Subscription Setting Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:15:30 +0000 Notica allows you to set up exclusive posts which users only can fully access when they subscribe to a plan or login to their account. You have 2 options this feature: users just need to login to read full exclusive posts or users need to pay via PayPal to read full exclusive posts, here you can enable trial duration or not.

If you want to enable this feature you can tick Is Lock Post on Post Setting. After that, you will see the box that allow to enter your content which is showed when user un-subscribed.

You can go to Dashboard–> Settings–> Member& Subscription to configure Subscription Setting

  • Subscribe Type: This option allows to enable/disable subscription.

If you don’t want to enable subscription you can tick on No Subscribe (and No Looked content) option.

If user is registered on your site, you tick Require only Login to enable subscription.

If user don’t register, you can tick Paid Subscription to enable subscription. After selected this option you need to configure the Subscribe Amount and Subscribe Period (days). Beside, you can allows user to register trial period (days) for subscription.

  • Member Pages: This option allows you to assign page which is displayed on your site.
  • Payment Settings: This option will help you to select currency and enter account when you paid to subscribe by PayPal.
Blog Page Setting Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:12:36 +0000 Post Global Setting

Rating option

This feature supports admin or customizer to appreciate the value of each post by the way can enter or drag the number percent on bar. You can add or remove rating quality by go to Dashboard–> Posts–> Rating Criteria

Post Setting

  • Body Custom CSS Class: Add a custom CSS class to the <body> element. Separate class names with a space.
  • Page Layout: You can choose Layout of Single Post page, includes Full Width. With Right Sidebar and With Left Sidebar style.
  • Post Sidebar: this option allow to select sidebar which is displayed when viewed post. There are 3 style of sidebar: once is Main Sidebar, once is Shortcode Sidebar, once is Shop Sidebar.
  • Heading Background Image: This option allows to select an unique heading image for this post. If leave blank, the default heading image of Blog(In Customizer settings) will be used.

Post Format Setting

  • Gallery Settings: When selecting Gallery Format, you will have Gallery Setting meta-box to add as many images as you want into your gallery and manage your preview content as Featured Image, First Image on Gallery or Image Slideshow.
  • Image Settings: When you selecting Image Format for you post, you woll have Image Settings meta-box to choose main image of the post. Set Feature Image as main image for preview content or Choose Your Image if you want to set another image as main image for preview content.
  • Video Settings: When selecting Video Format, you will have Video Setting meta-box where you can add video URL, and embedded video code, aspect ratio and preview content as Featured Image, Video or Featured Image as Video Thumbnail.
  • Audio Settings: When selecting Audio Format, you will have Audio Setting meta-box where you can add audio URL, and embedded audio code and select preview content as Feature Image, Audio or Featured Image as Video Thumbnail.
  • Quote Settings: When selecting Quote Format, you will have Quote Setting meta-box where you can add Quote, name of people who originally said the quote. Beside you can select preview content as Feature Image for Post Quote.
Create Blog Page Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:09:51 +0000 Follow these steps bellow to create a blog post:

  • Step 1: In your Admin Panel, go to Post and navigate to Add New.
  • Step 2: Enter your title and choose Post Format from Format box on the right side which shows different post format options: Standard, Image, Video, Audio, Quote and Gallery.
  • Step 3: Add your post content in editing field. You can use our shortcode to build your content where needed.
  • Step 4: Add Categories for the post from the Categories box on the right side. You can add new category or choose from existing categories. Check the box to select Categories for your post. Add relevant Tags for your post in the Tags box, set Featured image on the right side and other setting from the sections below Editing field.

If you need detailed guide about post settings in WordPress, please find in WordPress Codex.

  • Step 5: All done, click Publish to publish your post.

Setting Up Homepage Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:07:55 +0000 Setting Up Home Page

To setting up home page, please following these steps:

  • Step 1: Navigate to Settings–> Reading
  • Step 2: Select A Static Page option.
  • Step 3: Choose the page you want as your home page from the Front Page dropdown list.
  • Step 4: This is also the same spot you select the blog page as the Post page

List Class On Page

In notica theme, we used to some class which will help your page flexibly and easily to create your page. Please see list below to learn more about these.

  • base-border-right: This class allows to have border on right side that is used to separate page elements, shortcode and widgets.

Example: Homepage

To have this line as home page, you can go to Pages–> Choose Homepage–> Click button “edit” column of row you want to add class. Then enter class : base-border-right on box. See this image here.

  • rp-padding: This class will helps you to keep your site responsive that is always justified in center.
  • noovc-smart-content: This class allows to enable smart sidebar on your page.
Page Setting Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:54:09 +0000 You can choose various settings for your page in this box.

  • Body Custom CSS Class: Add custom CSS class to <body> elements.
  • Hide Page Title: This option allows you to Show/Hide your page title.
  • Enable Menu Transparent: If checked, you will enable menu transparent on your page.
  • Heading Background Image: This option will help you to select a unique heading Image for this page.