Customizer – NooTheme NooTheme Mon, 19 Dec 2016 01:38:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customizer – NooTheme 32 32 Agent Thu, 17 Nov 2016 08:14:17 +0000
  1. Agents Listing

Display style: There are two styles List & Grid
Agent Layout: The layout of agent Page is Full-width , With Right Sidebar or With Left Side bar. Choose the first style if you do not want sidebar to be displayed on Agent page. In contrast, the last ones will left sidebar be shown on the page
Agent Sidebar: choose a sidebar that will be shown on Property page
Agent Sidebar Extension: Choose extension sidebar in the drop-down list
Number agent per page: Enter number of agent per page
Heading Title: Enter a title for Heading
Heading Background Image: Upload a heading background image here


2. Agent Detail

Enable Contact Info: Turn on the button to enable contact info on Agent Detail Page
Contact Info Background Image: Upload a background image here
Enable Latest Properties: Turn on the button to enable Latest Properties


Property Thu, 17 Nov 2016 07:32:39 +0000

1. Property Listing

Display style: There are two styles List & Grid
Property Layout: The layout of Property Page is Full-width , With Right Sidebar or With Left Side bar. Choose the first style if you do not want sidebar to be displayed on Property page. In contrast, the last ones will left sidebar be shown on the page
Property Sidebar: choose a sidebar that will be shown on Property page
Property Sidebar Extension: Choose extension sidebar in the drop-down list
Sort Properties By: Choose in the drop-down list
Number property per page: Enter number of properties per page
Heading Title: Enter a title for Heading
Heading Background Image: Upload a heading background image here


2. Property Detail

Single Property Layout: There are two options Same as Property Layout and Select Layout
Property Layout: The layout of Property Page is Full-width , With Right Sidebar or With Left Side bar. Choose the first style if you do not want sidebar to be displayed on Property page. In contrast, the last ones will left sidebar be shown on the page
Property Sidebar: choose a sidebar that will be shown on Property page
Enable Latest Property: Turn on the button to enable latest properties
Latest Property Title : Enter a title for Latest Property field
Latest Property Sub title : Enter a short description for Latest Property field
Enable Comment Box : Turn on the button to enable comment box
Comment List  Label: Enter label of comment list
Comment Form Label: Enter label of comment form
Load More Text: Enter text for Load More
Submit Button Text: Enter text for submit button
Number of comment per page: Enter number of comment per page
Enable Agent Info Box: Turn on the button to enable agent info box
Enable Address Box: Turn on the button to enable address box
Enable Additional Details Box: Turn on the button to enable Additional Details Box
Enable Feature Box: Turn on the button to enable Feature Box
Enable Video Box: Turn on the button to enable Video Box
Enable Floor Plan Box: Turn on the button to enable Floor Plan Box
Enable Location on Map Box: Turn on the button to enable Location on Map Box
Enable Compare/Favorites: Turn on the button to enable Compare & Favorites
Enable Social Sharing: Turn on the button to enable social sharing

Import/Export Settings Thu, 17 Nov 2016 04:55:43 +0000

All themes of NooTheme share the same settings structure so that you can export and import setting from one theme to another one conveniently.

  • Import Settings: Click Upload button then choose a JSON file (.json) from your computer to import setting into this theme. All the settings will be loaded for preview here and will not be saved until you click button “Save and Publish”.
  • Export Setting: Simply click Download button to export all your settings to a JSON file (.json). You can use that file to restore theme settings to any themes of NooTheme


Custom Code Thu, 17 Nov 2016 04:54:31 +0000
In this section you can add custom JavaScript and CSS to your site. Your Google analytics tracking code should be added to Custom JavaScript field


WooCommerce Thu, 17 Nov 2016 04:52:44 +0000
  1. Shop Page

Shop Layout: The layout of Shop Page is Full-width , With Right Sidebar or With Left Side bar. Choose the first style if you do not want sidebar to be displayed on Shop page. In contrast, the last ones will left sidebar be shown on the page
Shop Sidebar: choose a sidebar that will be shown on Shop page
Shop Sidebar Extension: Choose extension sidebar in the drop-down list
Shop Heading: Enter a title for Heading
Heading Background Image: Upload a heading background image here
Use Masonry Layout: Turn on the button to use masonry layout
Shop Default View Style: There are two styles Grid & List
Products Grid Columns: Enter product columns
Products Per Page: Enter number of products for each page


2. Single Product

Single Product Layout: The layout of Single Post is Same as Blog Layout and Select Layout
Post Layout: There are 3 options (Fullwidth, With Right Sidebar & With Left Sidebar)
Using Header Image: There are 2 options (By Header Shop & By Thumbnail)
Related Products Count: Enter number or related products


Blog Thu, 17 Nov 2016 04:28:07 +0000

Making some adjustments in this section will have some impacts on Post list and each post on Blog page

  1. Post list

Blog Layout: The layout of Post list is Full-width , With Right Sidebar or With Left Side bar. Choose the first style if you do not want sidebar to be displayed on Blog page. In contrast, the last ones will let sidebar be shown on the page
Blog Sidebar: choose a sidebar that will be shown on Blog page
Blog Style: There are 3 options (List, List 2 Column & Grid Masonry)
Heading Title: Enter a title for Heading
Heading Background Image: Upload a heading background image here
Enable Readmore Button: Check this box to enable readmore button
Excerpt Leghth: Enter Excerpt Leghth
Enable Social Sharing: Turn on the button to enable social sharing

2. Single Post

Single Post Layout: The layout of Single Post is Same as Blog Layout and Select Layout
Post Layout: There are 3 options (Fullwidth, With Right Sidebar & With Left Sidebar)
Post Sidebar: Choose a sidebar in the drop-down list
Show Post Meta: Tick box to show post meta
Show Author’s Bio: Tick box to show author’s bio


Widgets Thu, 17 Nov 2016 03:41:22 +0000

This section helps you to make changes to sidebars and widgets of Footer


Footer Thu, 17 Nov 2016 03:33:57 +0000

♣ Footer Style: There are three layouts which are Basic, Business and Agency

1. Basic


2. Business


3. Agency


♣ Footer Background Image: There are options to custom the footer background image
Footer Position: Turn on the button to fix the footer position
Use image for background footer: Turn on the button to use image
Background image: Select/change image
Background Color & Opacity on Background Image: Select color


♣ Footer Widget Option
Show Footer Column Widget: Turn on the button to show footer column widget
Footer Content Box: Choose from 4 options
♣ Footer Column Width
Footer Column 1 to 4: Drag the width range to customize the width of each footer column
Footer Bottom Content (HTML): Paste HTML here
Show/Hide Social On Copyright: Turn on the button to show social icons on the footer bottom


Header Thu, 17 Nov 2016 02:07:44 +0000

1. Header Style


There are 7 styles of Header in Landmark theme

♣ Header Default

♣ Header Basic Default


♣ Header Classic Transparent


♣ Header Full Classic


♣ Header Agency

♣ Header Logo Center

If you want to create Header Center, you will need to create 2 menus in Appearance/ Menus. We call them Main Menu Left and Main Menu Right. Here are images of these 2 menus:


Learn more about creating a menu: Set Up Menu

♣ Header Fullwidth Logo Center

♣ Show WooCommerce Links: You can choose on or off to enable WooCommerce Links showing
♣ Show Shopping Cart: You can choose on or off to enable Shopping Cart showing
♣ Choice Meta for Nav: There are 3 options: Show Button “Add Property”, Show Phone Number and Show Social Network



2. Navigation Bar


NavBar Position: Position of NavBar includes Static Top, Fixed Top and Fixed Top When Scroll Up. Static Top, in this case, the NavBar does not move. It means that when you scroll down on the page and let the mouse pass the NavBar, you will not see the NavBar displayed on top. However, Fixed Top will allow you to see the NavBar when you scroll down the mouse. When you choose Fixed Top When Scroll Up, it will allow you to see the NavBar when you scroll up the mouse.
Background Navigation: Select color for the navigation background
Use Custom NavBar Font and Color: Turn this button on to adjust NavBar font and color. When you enable this button, you will have extra options such as:
NavBar Font: Select a font for menu items on navigation bar
Font Size: Set up a Font Size
Link Color/ Link Hover Color: Select a color or hover color for menu items
NavBar Height/ Link Spacing: You can change NavBar Height & Link Spacing here



Landmark allows you to add image file or use text for logo. If turning off Use image for Logo button, you will have options to enter your site name, select logo font from Google font, font size, font color, uppercase for text logo. If turning on this button then you can Upload Your Logo and adjust Image Height


4. Top Bar


Show Left Top Bar: Turn this button on to show Left Top Bar
Left Top Bar Options: There are 4 options (Show Phone Number, Content, Quick Menu & Show WooCommerce Links)
Add Phone Number: Enter phone number here
Show Right Top Bar Turn this button on to show Right Top Bar
Right Top Bar Options: There are 4 options (Widget, Content, Quick Menu & Show Wishlist)
Select Widget: Select a widget in the drop-down list
Show Login/Register: Turn on the button to show Login/Register
Login/Register Label: Enter label here
Top Bar Background: Select color for top bar background here
Top Bar Height: You can change Top bar Height here
Use Custom Top Bar Font and Color: Turn on the button to customize Top Bar Font and Color, you will have options to change Font, Font Size, Color and Link Hover Color of the Top Bar


Typography Wed, 16 Nov 2016 10:04:09 +0000
You can customize your Typography settings here. Landmark integrated all Google Fonts. See font preview at Google Fonts
Turning Use Custom Heading Fonts and Custom Body Fonts buttons on, you will have the following options:


1. Headings


Headings font and color: select font and color for headings
Transform to Uppercase: 
If you tick this box,  headings such as <h1><h2><h3> will be in uppercase



2. Body


You can make adjustments to Body font, Font color and Font size



Site Enhancement Wed, 16 Nov 2016 09:45:04 +0000
Back To Top Button: Back To Top Button will appear at the the right bottom when users scroll down
Enable Page Heading: Turn it on or off to show or hide page heading
Enable Page Heading Parallax: Turn it on or off to show or hide page heading parallax
Enable Breadcrumbs: Turn it on or off to show or hide breadcrumbs
Page Heading Spacing: You can enter number of page heading spacing in pixel or drag the range
Google Maps API Key: Enter Google Maps API Key here



Menus Wed, 16 Nov 2016 09:29:36 +0000
You can create a new menu, change order of items in a formed menu or add items to the menu


