Post Types – NooTheme NooTheme Thu, 10 Nov 2016 10:38:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Post Types – NooTheme 32 32 Post Types Thu, 10 Nov 2016 06:50:47 +0000
Usually, the theme only has a type of post called Blog post. However, hardly have you activated NOO Landmark Core plugin when you have 2 further kinds of post. So now the number of post types is 5, namely Blog post, Testimonial, Properties, Agents and Gallery


1. Blog Post


It is obvious that blog posts will be shown on Blog page . In Admin panel, please go to Posts. You can see subordinate parts like All posts (to see all created posts), Add New (to create a new post), Categories (to classify posts) and Tags (to classify posts but in a more specific way, tags can be keywords that are indicated in a post). When you intended to create posts, you had surely thought of generating all categories for posts. So we will begin with building categories:Adding a new category is very easy: enter name of category and click on Add New Category button.Add A New Post
Step 1
: Enter title and content of the post.
Step 2: Now turning to the right side, you will complete some sections such as Format, Categories, Tags and Featured image.
Step 3: Remember to click Publish to complete creating the post


2. Testimonial


Add A New Testimonial Category
Go to Testimonial> Testimonial Categories> Enter Name, Description> Click on Add New Testimonial Category
Add A New Testimonial
• Go to Testimonial > Add New> Enter title, content
• Complete Testimonial Options:
Your Image: Upload an Image
Your name: Enter a name
Your Position: Enter a position
• On the right side, choose a Testimonial Category> Click Publish to complete creating the testimonial


3. Properties


Before learning how to create a New Property, we will show you how to create a Property Type/ Property Status/ Custom Fields/ Features & Amenities.
Create a Property Type
Go to Properties> Property Type> Give name to the Property Type> Choose an icon for the property type> Click Add New Property Type.



Create a Property Status
Go to Properties> Property Status> Give name to the Property Type> Choose an icon for the property type> Click Add New Property Type.


Custom Fields
Go to Properties> Custom Fields> Click Add New> Enter Field Key and Field Label > Choose Field Type in drop-down list> Enter your value>  Save changes.



Features & Amenities
Go to Properties> Features & Amenities > Click Add New> Enter Feature Key and Feature Label> Save changes.



Add A New Property
Step 1: To add a New Property, go to Properties>Add New Property
• Enter Property title.
• Add description about the property in the content section.
Step 2: Complete General Information that contain:
 Stock: You can choose between Available and Unavailable
Price: Add your property price here
Before Price Label: Additional text such as from, up to
After Price Label: Additional text such as per week/month/year
Document: Enter a Document URL
Video: Enter a Video URL
Step 3: Complete Additional Information that contain:
Area: Enter area of the property. You should not type “,” or “.” for thousand separator. Thousand separator will be added automatically when the price is shown on the site. Besides, this rule also helps the price filter work properly
Bedrooms/Bathrooms/Garages: Enter number of Property’s bedrooms, bathrooms and garages
Year Built: Enter year built of the Property
Flooring: Enter flooring of the Property
Step 4: Choose Property Features by ticking boxes
Step 5:
Complete Listing Location section that contain Address, Country, City, Neighborhood, Zip, State, Latitude, Longitude and Maps. When you choose an address on Map, all the location’s information corresponding to that
address will be automatically shown.
Step 6: Add Property Photo and Floor Plan
Step 7: On the right side, you can choose Property Type, Property Status. You can also assign this property to an agent and set a featured image for the new property.
Step 8: Click Publish button

4. Agents


Add New Agent
To add a New Agent, go to Agents > Add New Agent
• Enter Agent Name
• Add description about the agent in the content section
• Fill in Detail Information
• Fill in Social Network section: Enter Agent’s Social Network account URL
• Select a Membership Package for the agent from the drop-down list. (Only available if Membership Package is activated in Agents>Settings, if you choose other Membership Type, please skip this step).
Login information: This function allows managing login information of agent. In case that a user has registered as agent, it provides a fast way to change his password. In case that you do not enable frontend registration, it allows you to add a new agent and give him a login account at once.
After everything is set, click Publish or Update the page



Add New Membership Package
To add a Membership Package, go to Agents> Membership Packages> Add New
• Enter Package Title
• Fill in Package Interval: the duration of the package.
• Fill in Package Price: type “.” for decimal separator.
• Fill in Number of Properties: Number of properties available for the package.
• Fill in Number of remaining Featured Properties: Number of remaining properties that can make featured with the package.
• Fill in Additional Information: This section is to provide extra information on the package that will be shown on the pricing table built by Membership Packages (Pricing Table) shortcode. If you don’t intend to use this shortcode for pricing table, you can leave this section blank.
After everything is set, click Publish.


Custom Fields

Go to Agents> Custom Fields> Click Add New> Enter Field Key and Field Label > Choose Field Type in drop-down list> Enter your value> Choose Social Networks in drop-down list>  Save changes


5. Gallery


Add New Gallery
Go to Gallery> Add New Gallery
• Enter Gallery Title
• Set Featured Image
After everything is set, click Publish.

