Footer – NooTheme NooTheme Wed, 09 Nov 2016 02:55:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Footer – NooTheme 32 32 Footer Thu, 29 Sep 2016 07:55:25 +0000

The Footer is composed of 3 parts which are Footer TopWidget area and Footer Bottom. Thus, now you can guess that you will have to use not only Customizer but also Appearance>Widgets to make adjustments to the Footer.
You can see available widgets and 4 sidebars belonging to Footer: Noo Top FooterNoo – Footer Column #1, Noo – Footer Column #2 and Noo – Footer Column #3

1. Noo Top Footer

• Drag Noo Information widget on the left sidebar to this sidebar
• Click on triangle icon to complete options such as:
Link Image: Enter link of the image
Image: Choose an image to upload
Select Menu: Select a menu in the drop-down list. In our demo, we call it Menu Footer Top
To learn more about creating a menu, please refer to this source: Set Up Menu
Facebook, Google, Twitter,…: Enter link of social media
• Click Save

2. Noo – Footer Column #1

• Drag Text and Mailchimp Sign-Up Form widgets to this sidebar
Text widget: Enter title and content
Sign-Up Form widget: Enter a Title
• Click Save

3. Noo – Footer Column #2

• Drag Text widget to this sidebar
• Text widget: Enter title and content
• Click Save

4. Noo – Footer Column #3

• Drag Noo Instagram widget to this sidebar
• Complete options of Noo Instagram, including:
Title, Instagram username, Number, refresh hour and Randomise (enter True so that photos will be in a random order after you refresh the page. Meanwhile, order of photos will not change when you enter False)
• Click Save
