Post Types – NooTheme NooTheme Thu, 29 Sep 2016 02:52:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Post Types – NooTheme 32 32 Post Types Thu, 29 Sep 2016 02:37:00 +0000

Usually, the theme only has a type of post called Blog post. However, hardly have you activated NOO Hermosa Core plugin when you have 3 further kinds of post. So now the number of post types is 4, namely Blog post, Events, Testimonial and Classes

1. Blog Post

It is obvious that blog posts will be shown on Blog page In Admin panel, please go to Posts. You can see subordinate parts like All posts (to see all created posts), Add New (to create a new post), Categories (to classify posts) and Tags (to classify posts but in a more specific way, tags can be keywords that are indicated in a post). When you intended to create posts, you had surely thought of generating all categories for posts. So we will begin with building categories:Adding a new category is very easy: enter name of category and click on Add New Category button.

Add A New Post
Step 1
: Enter title and content of the post.
Step 2: Now turning to the right side, you will complete some sections such as Format, Categories, Tags and Featured image.
Step 3: Remember to click Publish to complete creating the post

2. Events

Create A New Event Category
Go to Events> Event Categories > Enter Name of the category > click Add New Event Category.
Create A New Organizer
Go to Events> Organizers> complete information of the organizer such as Author, Avatar, Phone, Website, Email and Position

Create A New Event
• Go to Events> Add New Event> Enter title and content
Organizers: Choose an organizer in the drop-down list
Time&Date: Choose a Start and End Date of Event
Location: Enter Address, Longitude and Latitude
• On the right side, choose an Event Category
• Click Publish to complete creating a new event

3. Testimonial

Add A New Testimonial Category
Go to Testimonial> Testimonial Categories> Enter Name, Description> Click on Add New Testimonial Category
Add A New Testimonial
• Go to Testimonial > Add New> Enter title, content
• Complete Testimonial Options:
Your Image: Upload an Image
Your name: Enter a name
Your Position: Enter a position
• On the right side, choose a Testimonial Category> Click Publish to complete creating the testimonial

4. Classes

Add a new class level
Go to Classes> Class Level> Enter name, Description> Add New Class Level
Add a new class category
Go to Classes> Class Category> Enter name, description, choose a color> Add New Class category
Add a new Trainer
• Go to Classes> Trainers> Enter title, content
• Trainer Class Category: Tick boxes to select Trainer Class Cateogries
Trainer Information:
Welcome Text:  Enter texts here
Position: Enter a position
Experience: Enter a number of experience year
Email: Enter an email address
Phone: Enter a phone number
Biography: Enter a short description of Trainer`s biography
Skill: Add Labels and Values
• Trainer Social Information:
Enter URL of facebook, Google, Twitter and Pinterest
• On the right side, upload a featured image
• Click on Publish button to complete creating the class

Add a new class
• Go to Classes> Add New Class> Enter title, content
• Complete Class settings:
Open Date: Choose an open date in the drop-down list
Open/ Close time: Choose an open/close time
Trainers: You can select many trainers here
Address: Enter an address
Numbers of Week: The number of weeks during which the class operates
Days of week: Weekdays on which the class is organized
Use Advanced Schedule: if you do not tick this box then open time and close time of the class will be set as in two sections above, Open time and Close Time. However, when the box is checked, you will have an extra option called Advanced Multi-time. In this section, you carry out 2 steps: opt one of the days you select in Number Days and reset open time and close time of the class organized on that day. Besides, reset time in this section will be prioritized to use.
Register Link: Use this option if you want to link the registration to somewhere.
• On the right side, select a Class Category, Class Level and upload a Featured Image
• Click on Publish button to complete creating a new class
