Album & Team Member – NooTheme NooTheme Thu, 15 Oct 2015 02:43:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Album & Team Member – NooTheme 32 32 Create Members page Thu, 23 Jul 2015 03:43:08 +0000 To create Members page which shows all team members, create a new page (remember set title for page) and add Noo Team shortcode on page. You can configure some options in this shortcode.

Create A New Team Member Thu, 23 Jul 2015 03:40:46 +0000
  • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Team Member => Add New
  • Step 2: Enter title and select categories for team member
  • Step 3: Scroll down your mouse, you will see Team Member Information and Social options. Please fill out information for Team Member Information (Remember to select image for your team member) and add your social in Social section.
  • Step 4: All done, click “Publish” to save your team member.
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    Create Album Masonry page Thu, 23 Jul 2015 03:39:06 +0000 To create Album Masonry page, create a new page (remember to set title for page) and add Product Masonry shortcode on page (You can configure some options in this shortcode).

    Album Settings Thu, 23 Jul 2015 03:38:37 +0000
  • Purchase Link Setting: In this section you need to enter links to redirect customer to sites they can buy your album that may include iTunes, Amazon and Add to Cart URL.
  • Songs Setting: You can set Release date of album and add songs of album from your Media Library or your computer.
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    Create a New Artist/ Genre/ Producer Thu, 23 Jul 2015 03:37:53 +0000 To create a new artist/genre/producer, please follow these steps:

    • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Album => Album Artist/Genre/Producer.
    • Step 2: You will see Add New Album Artist/Genre/Producer on the left side, please enter name, slug, and description for Album Artist/Genre/Producer.
    • Step 3: All done, click “Add New Album Artist/Genre/Producer to save information. The new album category/ genre/producer will be displayed on the right side when you add new album.
    Create A New Album Thu, 23 Jul 2015 02:41:08 +0000 To create a new album, please follow these steps:

    • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Albumà Add New Album
    • Step 2: Enter title and description of your Album
    • Step 3: Choose Album Artist, Album Genre, Album Producer, Album Tag and set Feature Image for your album.
    • Step 4: Scroll down your mouse, you will see Album Settings section of Album that includes Purchase Link Setting (The links to purchase album) and Songs setting. Please fill out all information for sections above.
    • Step 5: All done, Click “Publish” to save your album.
