Wemusic Shortcode – NooTheme https://nootheme.com NooTheme Mon, 21 Mar 2016 10:13:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://nootheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/favicon.png Wemusic Shortcode – NooTheme https://nootheme.com 32 32 Visual Composer https://nootheme.com/documents/visual-composer-9/ Mon, 21 Mar 2016 08:09:48 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=39322
Visual composer is a drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that equips you with more than 40 elements (also called shortcodes) to design your page with ease. In addition to these predefined elements, Wemusic has 10 extra ones helping you to create many desirable pages. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Wemusic tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcodes to any pages or posts for your own use.


Note: In some cases, when you add an element and edit it, you should edit Row settings at the same time.


♣ Row settings includes:
• General:
Using Container: if you check this box, container`s width will be 1170px.
Row stretch: In our demo, we set Default in this section. Besides Default, you can select Stretch row, Stretch row and content, stretch row and content (no paddings). If opting these ones, the whole content in Red row 2 will disappear when it is shown on the site.
Full height row: when you tick this box, row will be set to full height.
Use video background: If this box is checked, video will be used as row background.
Parallax: There are three options for you:
None: image without parallax effect
Simple: image with parallax effect. It means that the image will move when you let the mouse scroll on it
With fade: image with parallax effect but move effect of the image is not as clear as that of Simple style.
Note: Two options Use video background (tick this box) and Parallax (Simple and With fade) will avail in some cases. For example, if font color is white and you do not use video background or Simple/ With Fade Parallax then visitors of you site may find it difficult to read white words and phrases. You know,  white words on white background. No one can figure out those words in this case!


• Design Options:
CSS box: you can change width of padding, border and margin here
Background color: opt color for background here. Below background color section, you will have an option to upload the background image and opt styles of background image: theme default, cover, contain, no repeat and repeat.
Cover: Scale the background image to be as large as possible so that the background area will be completely covered by the background image. Some parts of the background image may not be in view within the background positioning area.
Contain: Scale the image to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the content area.
No repeat: Size of the image will not change when it is placed in background area.
Repeat: Size of the image will also be as same as that of the original one; however, then many replicates of this image will be established in


1. Noo Blog Masonry


This one is used to create Blog 2 Columns Page
: Select shown post categories in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title here
Order By: This option handles the display order of posts based on one of the criteria like Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per Page: This option places a limit on the number of posts shown on the page
Columns: The number of shown columns fluctuate between 1 and 4
Excerpt Length: The number you enter here is equal to the number of words included in an excerpt



2. Album Masonry


This one is used to create Albums Page
Products Per Page: The number of products is shown per page
Order By: This option handles the display order of albums based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet


3. Noo Countdown


It is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Page, Home Image Page and Home Video Page

General options:
Choose Date: The date on which countdown will end
Title: Enter a title here
Button name: Give a name to the button
Button Link: Enter link of the button
Description: Give a short description here
Design options:
Background Style:  There are 3 kinds of background. They are Parallax, Slider and Video Youtube.
If your interest is Parallax, you will have an extra option of uploading  an image
If you select the second style, Slider, you will have a further option of uploading sliders
Overlay: Choose a color that will cover the whole background
If your choice is Video Youtube, you will have some further options like
Youtube Link: Enter a youtube link here
Auto mute: Choose On or Off
Background Youtube: because Jquery Youtube is not supported on mobile, you will need to upload an image for mobile
Height Style: Full Screen or Custom Height. If it is Custom Height, you will have an extra option, Import Height, to set up height.



4. Noo Events List


This shortcode is used in building Home page, Home revolution page, Home Image and Home Video Page
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
Categories Events: Choose shown Event Categories in the drop-down list
Show Type: Choose a type of event that will be displayed. The type can be Upcoming or Past
Order By: This option determines display order of events based on Recent Post First, Older Post First, Start Date, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet.
Limited: The maximum number of posts is displayed
Button Name: Give a name to the button here
Button Link: Enter link of the button


5. Noo Events Grid


This one contributes to generation of Home Page, Home revolution page and Home Video page
Choose Icon: Click the arrow to choose an icon in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title
Description: Give a short description
Categories Events: Choose shown Event Categories here
Order By: This option handles the order display of events based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet.
Limited: The number of events is shown per page


6. Noo Featured Albums


It is one of the shortcodes used to create Home, Home Video, Home Image and Home Revolution Page
Choose Icon: Click the arrow to choose an icon in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Order By: This option handles the display order of events based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet, Title Reversed Alphabet or Random
Limited: The number of events is shown per page


7. Noo News Blog


This one is used in creating Home, Home Video, Home Image and Home Revolution Page
Choose icon: Click the arrow to select an icon in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Data Source: Choose a source whose blog news is shown
Categories: Choose shown categories in the drop-down list
Order by: This option handles the display order of news based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per Page: The number of posts is shown per page
Excerpt Length: The number you enter here is equal to the number of texts included in an excerpt


8. Noo Services


This one is used to build Home, Home Video, Home Image and Home Revolution Page


9. Noo Line


Noo Line is one of the shortcodes used to create Home, Home Image, Home Video and Home Revolution Page
This one only has one option which allows you to select an icon in the drop-down list


10. Noo Team/ Noo Member


This one is used to create Members Page
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Categories: Choose shown Team categories in the drop-down list
Order By: This option handles the display order of members based on some criteria like Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Limited Team Member: This option places a limit on the number shown members


Shortcode https://nootheme.com/documents/wemusic-wemusic-shortcode/ Thu, 23 Jul 2015 03:50:08 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=11376 Instead of writing lines of code to build elements, we built Wemusic with number of premade shortcodes that enable you to create many elements you see in our demo in fingertips. By installing Visual Composer (the page builder plugin integrated in the theme package), you will have the Visual Backend Editor where every shortcodes are displayed visually before your eyes and easily generated in several clicks. In addition to Default Visual Composer shortcodes, Wemusic comes with 6 specific shortcodes. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Wemusic tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcode to any pages or posts for your own use.

There are 12 custom Wemusic Shortcodes. Below are list 12 shortcodes and their attributes:

Noo Blog Masonry

Use this shortcode if you want to build Blog Masonry page.

Detail options

  • Categories: Select categories of which blog posts will be displayed on blog page.
  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your posts following different order criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet, and Title Reversed Alphabet.
  • Post per page: This option allows you to choose the number of post will be displayed per page.
  • Columns: Number of post columns. The column attribute controls the width of columns should be displayed on Blog Masonry page.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post selection.

Noo Count Down

This shortcode allows you to have count down feature on slider of homepage.

Detail option:


  • Choose date: This option allows you to choose date when event arrives. You can choose one day from the calendar.
  • Title: Enter title of shortcode here.
  • Button name: Enter name of button.
  • Button Link: Enter link of button which visitor can click and see all information of event.
  • Description: You can enter the short description that describes your event.

Design options

  • Background Style: You can choose 3 background styles for shortcode that includes Parallax style, Slider style and Video You-tube

If choose Parallax style, please select your image by click “+” button to add your image.

If choose Slider, you still click “+” button to select some images for slider.

If choose Video You-tube, please enter You-tube video link to add video from You-tube.

  • Overlay: Choose overlay color from color table or enter code of color you want for box.
  • Height Style: Choose height style for shortcode including Full Screen and Custom Height. With Custom Height option, you need to input height on box.

Noo Events List

Use this shortcode if you want to display all event or one event category on page.

Detail option:

  • Title: Enter title for shortcode here.
  • Description: You can enter short description here.
  • Choose data: Choose event categories of which events will be displayed on your page.
  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your post following different order criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabetic and Title Reversed Alphabetic.
  • Limited: The maximum number of post will be displayed on slider.
  • Button name: Enter name of button.
  • Button Link: Enter link of button.

Noo Event Grid

Use this shortcode if you want to show all or one event category in grid style.

Detail option:

  • Choose icon: Select one icon for shortcode from list icon.
  • Title: Enter title here.
  • Description: Enter short description for shortcode.
  • Choose data: Choose event categories which events will be displayed on your page.

Noo News Blog

This shortcode will help you to get blog posts on page.

Detail option:

  • Choose icon: Select icon you want from list icon.
  • Title: Enter title of shortcode here.
  • Description: Enter short description for shortcode.
  • Data Source: That includes Category, Posts, and Tags.

If choose Category you can select categories that posts will be displayed on your page. Similarly with Tags.

If choose Posts, you need to enter title of posts on box to pick certain posts.

  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your post following different order criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabetic and Title Reversed Alphabetic.
  • Posts Per Page: This option allows you to choose the number of post will be displayed per page
  • Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post selection.

Noo Line

This shortcode will help you to have a line on page.

Noo Services

Use this shortcode if you want to show list icon on page.

Detail option:

  • Choose icon: Select icon from list icon.
  • Title: Enter shortcode title here.
  • Description: Enter short description for shortcode.

Noo Team

Use this shortcode if you want to build Member page.

  • Title: Enter title here.
  • Description: Enter short description for shortcode.
  • Categories: Select categories which team member will be displayed on frontend.
  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your post following different order criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabetic and Title Reversed Alphabetic.
  • Limited Team Member: This option allows you to choose the number of team member will be displayed per page.

Album Masonry

This shortcode will help you to build Album Masonry page.

Detail option:

  • Product per page: This option allows you to set the number of albums which will be displayed per page.
  • Visibility: Select devices which albums will be displayed on your page. You can choose Show/Hide on PC/Tablet/Phone

Noo Featured Albums

This shortcode will help you to get all albums that will be displayed on Homepage.
