Post Types – NooTheme NooTheme Mon, 26 Oct 2015 02:13:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Post Types – NooTheme 32 32 Post Types Tue, 15 Sep 2015 11:05:30 +0000
Usually, the theme only has a type of post called Blog post. However, hardly have you activated Noo Chilli Library plugin when you have 4 further kinds of post. So now the number of post types is 5, namely Blog post, posts in Team member, Testimonial, Food Menus and Gallery.


1. Blog post


It is obvious that blog posts will be shown on Blog page

In Admin panel, please go to Posts. You can see subordinate parts like All posts (to see all created posts), Add New (to create a new post), Categories (to classify posts) and Tags (to classify posts but in a more specific way, tags can be keywords that are indicated in a post).

When you intended to create posts, you had surely thought of generating all categories for posts. So we will begin with building categories:

Adding a new category is very easy: enter name of category and click on Add New Category button. As you can see, in our example, we created 5 categories for Blog posts. They are About, Beverage Trend, Chef Insight, Dessert Trends and Food Trends.

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Add a new post
Step 1
: Enter title and content of the post.
Step 2: Now turning to the right side, you will complete some sections such as Format, Categories, Tags and Featured image.
Step 3: Remember to click Publish to complete creating the post.
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2. Team Member


Similar to Blog post, firstly, you will create Team categories. In our demo, we only produce a category named Chef.
Next, Add New Team Members. Please notice that data you create in this section will be shown in About page > Our staffStep 1: Enter title and Team Member information like name and position. Then you can select an image for the team member.

Step 2: Scroll the mouse down, you will see an area to add social webs of the team member.

Step 3: Turn to the right side, now you will opt category for the post

Step 4: Do not forget to click Publish button to complete creating new team member.

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3. Testimonial 


Testimonials will be shown on About page > TestimonialAs usual, the first step is creating Testimonial categories. In our demo, we created a testimonial category that is Masterchef.

Add a New Testimonial

Step 1: Enter title and content of the testimonial

Step 2: Go to Testimonial options area that is right below the content area > upload image, enter name and position

Step 3: On the right side of the page, select Testimonial categories

Step 4: Click Publish button

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4. Food Menus


Posts in this section will be shown on Menu pageMenu items: you can see all created kinds of food here.

Menu sections: Fundamentally, name of this part is as same as the so-called menu categories. Thus, its function is similar to testimonial categories or something like that. However, when you produce a new menu section, you can upload an image that illustrates for this menu section. In our sample, there are 4 menu sections which are breakfast, dinner, lunch and midnight.

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Add a new menu itemPlease go to Add one item and follow these steps:

Step 1: Enter title and content of the item

Step 2: In Menu item options area, create price and attibutes for the item

Step 3: Turn to the right side, opt Menu sections and upload the featured image

Step 4: Click Publish button

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Unlike Posts, Team Member and Testimonial that only allow you to build a new post, now in Food Menus, you are absolutely able to create many menu items or posts at the same time. Please go to Add many items to obtain this wonderful feature.The image on the right side shows you parts that you will have to complete to create many items concurrently:

First, you will see some fields like Name or title of the item, Price, Attributes, Image or Featured Image and Description or content of the title. They are similar to parts accomplished in Add one item. Next, after fulfilling these fields, please choose a menu section in the box right below the phrase Choose Menu Section. Finally, click Save Menu button that is corresponding to Publish button.

Then you will continue to add new items by clicking on Add Menu item.

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5. Gallery


Posts you create here will be displayed on Gallery page.In a way that often happens, we will invent Gallery categories: 

In the Admin panel, go to Gallery > Gallery categories > Add a new gallery category

To Add a new gallery item:
  • Navigate to Gallery > Add New
  • Enter title, content > turn to the right side, opt a gallery category > set a featured image if you want.
  • Click the Publish button.






