Agents & Memberships – NooTheme NooTheme Thu, 03 Dec 2015 10:00:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Agents & Memberships – NooTheme 32 32 Citilights – Agents & Membership Sat, 31 Jan 2015 10:20:22 +0000 Adding new agent

To add a New Agent, go to Agents & Memberships>Add Agent

  • Enter Agent name.
  • Add description about the agent in the content section.
  • Set agent’s profile image in Featured Image The image should be 370x500px at a minimum. If no image is selected, default profile image will be used.
  • Fill in Agent Details.
  • Select a Membership Package for the agent from the dropdown list. (Only available if Membership Package is activated in Agents & Memberships>Settings, if you choose other Membership Type, please skip this step).
  • Login Information: This function allows managing login information of agent. In case that a user has registered as agent, it provides a fast way to change his password. In case that you do not enable frontend registration, it allows you to add a new agent and give him a login account at once.

After everything is set, click Publish or Update the page.

Adding new membership package

To add a New Membership Package, go to Agents & Memberships>Membership Packages

  • Select Add New on top left.
  • Enter Package Title.
  • Fill in Package Interval: the duration of the package.
  • Fill in Package Price: type “.” for decimal separator.
  • Fill in Number of Listing: Number of listing available for the package.
  • Fill in Number of Featured Properties: Number of properties that can make featured with the package.
  • Fill in Additional Information: this section is to provide extra information on the package that will be shown on the pricing table built by Membership Packages (Pricing Table) shortcode. If you don’t intend to use said shortcode for pricing table, you can leave this section blank.

After everything is set, click Save Changes.

Agent and Membership Settings

From version 2.1.0, When you click on this part, it will take you to Properties> Settings
ow Agent& Membership is a tab of Property settings

