Properties – NooTheme NooTheme Tue, 26 Jul 2016 03:37:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Properties – NooTheme 32 32 Properties Thu, 03 Dec 2015 08:40:43 +0000
Before learning how to create a New Property, we will discover how to create a Property Type/ Property Label/ Property Location/ Property Sub-location/ Property Status.


Create A Property Type
Go to Properties> Property Type> Give name to the Property Type> You can upload an image used as a Map marker> Click Add New Property Type.


Create A Property Label
Go to Properties> Property label > Give name to Property Label > Select a color to the label> Click Add New Property Label


Create a Property Location
Go to Properties> Enter a location> Click Add New Property Location


Create a Property Sub-location
Go to Properties> Property-Sublocation> Enter a sub-location > Choose a location in the drop-down list > Click Add New Sub-location.


Create A Property Status
Go to Properties> Property Status> Enter a Status> Click Add New Property Status


Custom Fields


Go to Properties> Custom Fields> Click Add New> Enter FIeld Name and Field Label > Save changes


Features & Amenities


Go to Properties> Features & Properties > Click Add New> Enter Feature name
Show The Features& Amenities that are not available:


Add A New Property
Step 1: Go to Properties> Add New Property > Enter Title
Step 2:
♣ Complete Property Details that contain:
Property label: Select a label in the drop-down list
Address: Enter address of the property
Price/ Area/ : Enter price, area of the property.
♦Note: you should not type “,” or “.” for thousand separator. Thousand separator will be added automatically when the price is shown on the site. Besides, this rule also helps the price filter work properly.Bedrooms/ bathrooms: Enter number of Property`s bedrooms and bathrooms
♣ Complete Property Custom (this section comprises fields you created)
♣ Choose Property Features by ticking boxes
♣ Place In Map: This section is quite important. You should remember to set a place at which the property is located. As a result, as you search the property, it will be displayed on the map. Enter an address into Search box of the Map then the longitude and latitude corresponding to that address will be automatically shown.
♣ Property Video: Enter a Video URL
♣ Gallery: Add images of the property
Step 3: On the right side, you can choose Property Type, Property Location, Property Sub-location, Property Status. You can also assign this property to an agent and set a featured image for the new property. Moreover, you can also upload a file. Notice that the download file button will be shown like this:


Step 4: Click Publish button





Citilights – Properties Sat, 31 Jan 2015 10:22:55 +0000 Adding new property

To add a New Property, go to Properties>Add New Property

  • Enter Property title.
  • Add description about the property in the content section.
  • Select Type of the property.
  • Select Status of the Property. Note: Properties marked as Soldwill not be shown in property listing page, but will be visible in Agent’s page.
  • Select Location of the property.
  • Select Sub-location of the property.
  • Add images of the property by clicking Add Images in the Gallery These images will be added to the Slider header in the property’s page on front end. You can select multiple images at once. We recommend that the images have minimum width of 750px.
  • Select the Agent Responsible of the property. The drop down list consists of all available Agents.
  • Payment Status (only available if Pay per Submission is enabled): If Not Paid, the property will not be displayed on frontend. If Paid, it will be displayed normally.
  • Set property’s thumbnail image in Featured Image section (This is mandatory). The image should have minimum width of 750px.
  • Fill in Property Details. This section is default, meaning you can’t add or remove fields.

Note: In the Price field, don’t type “,” or “.” for thousand separator, they will be counted as decimal separator instead. Thousand separator will be added automatically when displaying on frontend.

For more configurations, please check the General settings section below.

  • Fill in Property Custom fields, if any. This section is customizable, meaning you can add or remove fields. To manage custom fields, go to Properties>Settings>Custom fields. For more detailed instructions, please check the Custom fields section below.
  • Fill in Property Features, if any. This section is customizable, meaning you can add or remove fields. To manage property features, go to Properties>Settings>Listing features & Amenities. For more detailed instructions, please check the Listing features & Amenities section below.
  • Locate the property on the Map by enter its Latitude and A quick way to do this is to enter the property’s address to the search bar and the map will move to its neighborhood. Click on the map to place pin. For more configurations, please check the Map settings section below.
  • Provide the Property Video by entering the video URL.

After everything is set, click Publish or Update the post.

General setting

To set up Area Unit, Currency, Separator, go to in Properties>Settings>General.

  • Area Unit: enter the unit that follows the area number.
  • Currency: choose a currency.
  • Currency Position: choose how the currency symbol is associated with the price number.
  • Thousand Separator: Enter the mark that separates groups of thousands.
  • Decimal Separator: Enter the mark that separates the integer part from the fractional part of the price number.
  • Number of Decimals: the number of digits that follows decimal separator.

After everything is set, click Save Changes.

Custom fields

Custom fields provide additional information about the property. They will appear in the Property detail section in Property Page on frontend, along with the default fields. You are free to add or remove any custom field.

To manage custom fields, go to Properties>Settings>Custom fields.

  • Add: add custom field.
  • Delete: delete custom field.
  • Field name: This will be used in the code. It can not contain space.
  • Field label: This is the title of the field on frontend.
  • Field Type: Choose between Short Text, Long Text and Date.

You can order fields using drag and drop. After everything is set, click Save Changes.

Listing features & Amenities

To manage listing features & amenities, go to Properties>Settings> Listing features & Amenities.

  • Add: add amenity.
  • Delete: delete amenity.
  • Feature name: enter amenity title.
  • Show the Features and Amenities that are not available: Choose whether unchecked Amenities are displayed on frontend or are hidden.

You can order fields using drag and drop. After everything is set, click Save Changes.

Advanced Search

This is where you can customize the search filters and Advanced Search fields.

There are 8 possible filters. You can change parameter from the dropdown. To disable a filter, select None.

The Advanced Search Field allows searching by Amenities. Select Amenities from the dropdown.

Map settings

For map configuration, go to Properties>Settings> Google Map.

  • Starting Point Latitude & Starting Point Longitude: enter Google map default landing address.
  • Default Zoom level:the resolution of the current view. 0 is the lowest value.

After everything is set, click Save Changes.


For Siderbar and Map Header settings, please go to Customizer>Agents & Properties.
