Donation – NooTheme NooTheme Wed, 04 Feb 2015 02:19:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Donation – NooTheme 32 32 Dreamer – Donation Settings Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:47:10 +0000 Settings • Area Unit: enter the unit that follows the area number. • Currency: choose a currency. • Currency Position: choose how the currency symbol is associated with the price number. • Thousand Separator: Enter the mark that separates groups of thousands. • Decimal Separator: Enter the mark that separates the integer part from the fractional part of the price number. • Number of Decimals: the number of digits that follows decimal separator. • Donate Modal Header Image: Select a picture to display as the Donate Modal Header Image. • Donate Money Options: Enter 4 suggested donation amounts to display on the Donate Modal. • PayPal Merchant Account (ID or Email): enter the ID or email address of your Paypal account. • Enable PayPal Sandbox Testing: enable this when testing payment. • Disable SSL secure connection (Not recommended): We recommend that you only disable this if your host has problem with SSL secure connection. • Email for sending payment notification: insert the email address where payment notifications are sent to. After everything is set, click Save Changes.]]> To change Currency and Payment settings, go to in Donation>Settings
• Area Unit: enter the unit that follows the area number.
• Currency: choose a currency.
• Currency Position: choose how the currency symbol is associated with the price number.
• Thousand Separator: Enter the mark that separates groups of thousands.
• Decimal Separator: Enter the mark that separates the integer part from the fractional part of the price number.
• Number of Decimals: the number of digits that follows decimal separator.
• Donate Modal Header Image: Select a picture to display as the Donate Modal Header Image.
• Donate Money Options: Enter 4 suggested donation amounts to display on the Donate Modal.
• PayPal Merchant Account (ID or Email): enter the ID or email address of your Paypal account.
• Enable PayPal Sandbox Testing: enable this when testing payment.
• Disable SSL secure connection (Not recommended): We recommend that you only disable this if your host has problem with SSL secure connection.
• Email for sending payment notification: insert the email address where payment notifications are sent to.
After everything is set, click Save Changes.
