Extras – NooTheme https://nootheme.com NooTheme Thu, 19 Mar 2015 03:44:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://nootheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/favicon.png Extras – NooTheme https://nootheme.com 32 32 Dreamer Shortcodes https://nootheme.com/documents/dreamer-shortcodes-2/ Thu, 05 Feb 2015 03:52:11 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=1818 Beside regular Visual Composer shortcodes, Dreamers has custom shortcodes designed specifically for its purposeTo use these shortcodes, switch to Visual Composer’s Backend Editor, click Add Element button select Dreamer tab, then choose the shortcode you want.





Noo Events

This shortcode is used to create a list/grid of all recent events.

Noo Causes

This shortcode is used to create a list/grid of all recent causes.

Noo Recent News

This shortcode is used to create a grid of all recent posts.

Noo Staff

This shortcode is used to create a grid of all staff. To use it to create Staff listing page, please check Set up your pages>Staff listing page section.

Event Slider

This shortcode is used to create a slider featuring any event.

Cause Slider

This shortcode is used to create a slider featuring any cause.

Woo Commerce https://nootheme.com/documents/dreamer-woo-commerce/ Sat, 31 Jan 2015 10:06:38 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=1703 To install the plugin, you can go to Plugin>Add New, search for WooCommerce and Install it. Alternatively, you can download it from here.

When you activate the plugin, you may be asked for the permission to install WooCommerce default pages. We recommend that you go through with this so that all the pages are created correctly.

After WooCommerce is activated successfully, you can use all its features, including widgets and shortcodes.

For further guide, please check WooCommerce’s official documentation.

Translation https://nootheme.com/documents/dreamer-translation/ Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:56:03 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=1697 The theme is compatible with WPML plugin, thus can be translated into multiple languages. Follow this link for guide.
You can also use POEdit plugin for translation.

  • Located the .po file in folder /languages.
  • Open the file with POEdit and translate the texts into your preferred language.
  • When complete, you’ll want to save the file twice, as two separate files – a .po file and a .mo file. When you save the files, you must name them according to your language code. Find a list of language codes at WordPress in your Language. As an example, the language code for English is en_EN, so you would save the translated files as en_EN.po first, then en_EN.mo.
  • When that’s done, simply upload the files to your theme folder.

Codestyling Localization is a good alternative for POEdit. It also works with .po/.mo files and is very easy to use.

Visual Composer Shortcodes https://nootheme.com/documents/dreamer-shortcodes/ Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:54:43 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=1696 Dreamers is equipped with powerful shortcode set that enables you to build any layouts you can imagine of. All shortcodes can be accessed in the Visual Editor after you complete installing the theme. If you use Visual Composer to edit content, all our shortcodes were already built into its Elements.

To use shortcodes to shape your layouts in Visual Editor, open visual editing tab of a page or post in Admin Panel. In top bar of editing field, hit Noo Shortcodes icon and navigate to a shortcode you want to use. A pop up window with some attributes of the shortcode then will appear for you to make change easily. Finally, click Save to generate the shortcodes. Be noted that values of shortcodes have always to be inserted in quotation mark “ ”. Insert any shortcode you need to make up your perfect pages and posts.

Widgets https://nootheme.com/documents/dreamer-widgets/ Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:52:08 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=1695 Widgets can be added to main sidebar and footer. To activate widgets, navigate to Appearance>Widgets, you will see number of available widgets. To activate a widget, drag it to a Sidebar, or Footer. You can also click on it to assign to Main Sidebar or Footer. To remove them, just drag it back. If you want to remove a widget from  sidebar or footer but keep its settings, drag it to Inactive Widgets. Below are location you can add widgets to:

  • Main Sidebar: Main sidebar will be displayed when you choose Classic Site Layout and With Sidebar page template.
  • Footer Column #i: Number of Footer Column #i here depends on the number of column you set in Customizer > Footer.

In addition to WordPress default widgets, there are 6 custom widgets of the theme:

  • Noo Cause: shows causes by latest order or by most commented order. You can choose to show only causes in a certain category too.
  • Noo Cause Categories: shows all Cause categories
  • Noo Event: shows events by latest order or by most commented order. You can choose to show only events in a certain category too.
  • Noo Event Categories: shows all Event categories
  • Recent tweets: shows latest tweets from your Twitter account. You’ll need to enter Consumer key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret. To get these keys, first you need to create a Twitter app. Go to https://apps.twitter.com/ and sign in. Click Create new app. Fill out name, description and website. Leave Callback URL empty, accept the terms and create the app. On the new page, in the middle you should now have all the keys and secrets you need.