Events – NooTheme NooTheme Fri, 25 Dec 2015 06:54:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Events – NooTheme 32 32 Events Fri, 20 Nov 2015 02:28:11 +0000

1. Create Event Categories

Go to Events> Event Categories > Enter Name of the category > click Add New Event Category.
Note: In our demo, we create a parent category, All Events that contains four child categories (Business, Entertainment, Life Style and Tours). In order that those four categories are classified into child categories, opt All events in Parent section when you add a new child category.


As you know, there are some common factors related to an Event. They are Speakers, Organizers and Venues. So let`s continue to learn how to create these ones.


2. Create A New Speaker

Step 1: Go to Events > Speaker > Add New > Enter title and content
Step 2: Complete options
(Name, Address, Position, Description, Start time and End time) in Speaker section  and add link of social websites (Facebook, Twitter,  Google+,…) in Media Data right below content area. Then you can upload a featured image on the right side.
Note: Data like Title,Content, Name, Address, Start time and End time will be displayed in Event Schedule section of  Event Single page whereas the remaining will be shown in Speaker section of this page.


Step 3: Click on Publish button.



3. Create A New Venue

Step 1: Go to Events> Venues > Add New > Enter title
Step 2: Navigate to Venue Information > Enter Address, City, opt a Country, a State or Province, Postal code, Phone, Website, Show Google Map, Show Google Maps Link and Use Latitude + Longitude. On the right side, you can upload a featured image.
Step 3: Click on Publish button


4. Create A New Organizer

Step 1: Go to Events > Organizers > Add New > Enter title
Step 2: Fill out Organizer Information containing Phone, Website and Email. As usual, it is up to you to upload a featured image on the right side.
Step 3: Click on Publish button


5. Create A New Event

Step 1: Go to Events > Add New > Enter title and content.
Step 2: Navigate to area under content, you will see the next sections:• Tickets includes options:
Select an image: Upload image for the ticket header
Add New Ticket: click here to create a new ticket then there are extra options related to a Ticket:
Sell using: Woocommerce
Ticket name: Give a name to the new ticket
Ticket Description:
Items entered here must be separated by common and Enter
: Enter a Price (Leave blank or Enter 0 so that the ticket will be free)
Start Sale and End Sale: Opt date and time at which ticket sale begins and ends. If you leave these options, tickets will be available from now to the end of events.
Stock: the number of tickets is in stock
SKU: a unique code of each ticket type you are selling

• Speaker
Is Featured: tick this box so that the speaker is featured
Event Schedule: click Add New Day > with clicking the plus icon, you can set many dates, start times and end times at which the Event will be organized and choose various Speakers for the Event. By contrast, click the minus icon to get rid of your setting.
• The Events Calendar contains:
Time and date:
All day event:
tick this box then the event will take place in the whole day. Uncheck it, you will have options to set Start date & time and End date & time.
Use saved venue:
select a venue you created in Events > Venue. Click Edit Venue, it leads you to the place at which you create this venue in dashboard.
Show Google Map and Show Google Maps Link: Tick these boxes to show.
Use saved organizer: Select an organizer in the drop-down list. Likewise, you will also have the option of Edit Organizer.
Event Website: Enter link of website.
Step 3: On the right side, complete options like Tags, Event categories, Event options (Hide from Event lisiting, Sticky in Month View), upload a featured image.
Step 4: click on Publish button
Display of Tickets section on Event Single page:



