Extra – NooTheme https://nootheme.com NooTheme Thu, 06 Oct 2016 08:30:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.1 https://nootheme.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/favicon.png Extra – NooTheme https://nootheme.com 32 32 Fix error of installing Visual Composer caused by memory limit https://nootheme.com/documents/fix-error-of-installing-visual-composer-due-to-memory-limit/ Mon, 01 Feb 2016 03:08:25 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=33544  

Follow these steps:
♣ Error 1: Go to admin panel/Media/ add new to check memory capacity. If your memory limit is 2M then it will not allow you to upload. You will try using these two methods to install Visual composer plugin
1. Extract js_composer file and paste all files included in this file into this folder or you can paste them into FTP:p34


2. Increase memory by modifying php.ini file
You can refer to this source:

♣ Error 2: If your site gets 500 error or visual composer can not be loaded, you will add the following code to wp-config.php:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');

Then you will go to Plugins> Add New> upload js_composer.zip file> activate the plugin



How to add a new field to company profile https://nootheme.com/documents/how-to-add-a-new-field-to-company-profile/ Sat, 30 Jan 2016 03:04:37 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=33381
Please add the following code to layouts -> company_profile.php


Please add this code to layouts -> noo_company-info.php


Please add this code to framework -> admin -> noo_form_handler.php


The new field will be shown at the position that is under the logo


Here are codes added to those above files:


Code company_profile.php
<!– Add new field –>
<div class=”form-group row”>
<label for=”new_field” class=”col-sm-3 control-label”><?php _e(‘New Field’,’noo’)?></label>
<div class=”col-sm-9″>
<input type=”text” class=”form-control” id=”new_field” value=”<?php echo ($company_id ? noo_get_post_meta($company_id,’_new_field’) : ”) ?>” name=”new_field” placeholder=”<?php echo esc_attr__(‘Enter your text’,’noo’)?>”>

Code noo_form_handler.php
// ===== Update New field
update_post_meta($company_id, ‘_new_field’, wp_kses( $args[‘new_field’], $no_html ) );


Code noo_company_info.php
<!– Show info New Field –>
<div class=”info-new-field”>
// ===== Get info field
$new_field = noo_get_post_meta( $company_id, ‘_new_field’ );

// ===== Show info field
echo ‘<div class=”item-field”>’ . $new_field . ‘</div>’;
<!– END Show info New Field –>


How to show all job locations/categories/ types in Advanced Search https://nootheme.com/documents/how-to-show-all-job-locationscategories-types-in-advanced-search/ Sat, 16 Jan 2016 07:10:42 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=31867

Please go to noo-jobmonster\framework\admin\noo_job.php, replace the following codes:

1. Job location
2. Job category
3. Job Type

with these codes

1. Job location
$locations = (array) get_terms(‘job_location’, array( ‘hide_empty’ => false ));

2. Job Category
$categories = (array) get_terms(‘job_category’, array( ‘hide_empty’ => false ));

3. Job Type
$types = (array) get_terms(‘job_type’, array( ‘hide_empty’ => false ));


Note: Please notice that the order of line can change based on each updated version. Therefore, you should find the code according to keywords in files I give to you.


Show/Hide Number Of Job Views https://nootheme.com/documents/showhide-number-of-job-views/ Tue, 12 Jan 2016 10:25:15 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=31385

1. Show number of job views in Admin Panel> Jobs

Note: the order of line can change based on each updated version. Therefore, you should find the code according to keywords in files I give to you.


Please go to  framework -> admin -> noo_job.php > add the following codes


2. Show number of job views in Manage Job section


Please go to layouts -> manage-job.php> add these codes


3. Hide Job Views on Single Job Page


Please go to layouts -> heading.php > delete these codes


How to add a custom field to the job list or single job https://nootheme.com/documents/how-to-add-a-custom-field-to-the-job-list-or-single-job/ Fri, 08 Jan 2016 02:16:05 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=30819

1. Add a custom field to both the job list and single job

For example, you want to add Salary field to job list and single job, follow these steps:



Step 1: Go to wp-content > themes > noo-jobmonster > Framework> Admin> noo_job.php and add the following codes:


♣ Please notice that the order of line can change based on each updated version. Therefore, you should find the code according to keywords in files I give to you.
♣  In the above code, _noo_job_field_ must stay unchanged.


Step 2: Go to Admin panel> jobs> custom fields> add a new field.

Notice that what you enter in Field Key must be added to the code _noo_job_field_. Therefore, in this example, _salary mus be incorporated into the code.



Step 3: Post a new job containing the new field so that this field can be shown


2. Only Add A Field To Single Job


 For instance, you want to add a new field (salary) to position that is behind Print icon, please carry out these steps:

Step 1: Go to wp-content > themes > noo-jobmonster > Framework> Admin> noo_job.php > find these codes:



Step 2: Add the following codes to the position that is below those code:

So you can find that these codes are the same as those in Step 1. Please read Note in Step 1 to get some important notice of these codes



Step 3: Go to Admin panel> jobs> custom fields> add a new field.

Notice that what you enter in Field Key must be added to the code _noo_job_field_. Therefore, in this example, _salary mus be incorporated into the code.



Step 4: Post a new job containing the new field so that this field can be shown.


Note: If you want to remove any available fields in single job, you will delete three code lines, something like this ( we will get rid of Print field):




Mailchimp For WP Plugin https://nootheme.com/documents/mailchimp-for-wp-plugin/ Wed, 09 Dec 2015 04:12:28 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=27413
This plugin helps you add subscribers to your MailChimp lists in different ways . You can create striking forms or integrate with any other forms, for example, Registration Form, on your site.
To learn more about features of this plugin, please refer to these sources:
To install the plugin, please go to Admin panel> Plugins > Add New> Search this plugin> Install and activate it.


Practical application of this plugin

Add emails of new registering users into  mailing list of your site automatically:
Go to Mailchimp for WP> Integrations > choose Registration Form> Opt Yes in Enabled section> Enter Label text in Check box Label Text, this label will be shown in Registration section> save changes.
Note: This is just an additional function. Jobmonster is compatible with WP Mailchimp plugin. When you install this plugin, a checkbox will appear along with register form.




Extras https://nootheme.com/documents/extras/ Tue, 31 Mar 2015 00:25:29 +0000 http://nootheme.com/?post_type=noo_document&p=3992 Come together with Jobmonster, these plugins are recommended to install and activate for flexible use. Below are the source for documentation and support of each plugins.

Woo Commerce

Jobmonster works compatibly with Woo Commerce that allows you to create job posting packages. If you plan to use Woo Commerce Plugin for your site, check out these sources:

Woo Commerce Plugin Documentation for user guide to use the plugin.

Woo Commerce Plugin Community Forum for support upon issues of the plugin.

Woo Commerce Knowledge Base for questions about the plugin.

Visual Composer

Jobmonster works well with Visual Composer, the popular drag and drop page builder plugin with intuitive interface to build your content at ease. If you plan to use Visual Composer Plugin for your site, check out these source:

Visual Composer WordPress Plugin Documentation for user guide to use the plugin.

Visual Composer WordPress Plugin Support System for support upon issues of the plugin.
