Jobmonster shortcode – NooTheme NooTheme Tue, 27 Sep 2016 04:12:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobmonster shortcode – NooTheme 32 32 Jobmonster Shortcodes Mon, 26 Sep 2016 09:59:51 +0000

Instead of writing lines of code to build elements, we built Jobmonster with number of premade shortcodes that enable you to create many elements you see in our demo in fingertips.  By installing Visual Composer (the page builder plugin integrated in the theme package), you will have the Visual Backend Editor where every shortcodes are displayed visually before your eyes and easily generated in several clicks. In addition to Default Visual Composer shortcodes, Jobmonster comes with 10 specific shortcodes. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Jobmonster tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcode to any pages or posts for your own use.

There are 10 Jobmonster custom shortcodes added. Below is the list of 10 shortcodes and their attributes.

  1. Noo Recent News

This shortcode is used to show recent Blog posts. In our demo, it is one of the shortcodes used to create Home page

  • Title: Title displayed above the blog list
  • Columns: The column attribute how wide are post should be displayed. It can from 2 to 4 columns
  • Posts per page: Number of posts displayed on a page
  • Excerpt Length: excerpt is an extract or short paragraph taken from the Blog. The number you type here is equal to the number of words shown in the excerpt.
  • Visibility: Which device to show the shortcode, it can be “all, hidden phone, hidden tablet, hidden pc, visible phone, visible tablet, visible pc”

2. Noo Step icon

This shortcode is used to show steps displayed on Home page

  • Step values: The values contain icon class|title|link


fa fa-key|1.Register an account to start|#

fa fa-search-plus|2. Specify & search your desired job|#      

  • Visibility: Which device to show the shortcode, it can be “all, hidden phone, hidden tablet, hidden pc, visible phone, visible tablet, visible pc”

3. Noo Jobs

This shortcode is used to show Recent jobs and Featured jobs on Home page

  • Show: This option will help you to show Feature Job or Recent Job.
    Display Style:
  • Title type: Text or job count
  • Title: Enter text which will be used as elements title.
  • Posts per page: Number of post per page
  • Show Pagination: hide or show
  • Visibility: Which device to show the shortcode, it can be “all, hidden phone, hidden tablet, hidden pc, visible phone, visible tablet, visible pc”

4. Noo Resume

This shortcode is used in creating Home Resume page
Enter a title here
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page. If you set it to be 1, Job Slider will be shown
Job Category: Choose job categories in the drop-down list
Job location: Select a location in the drop-down list
Order By: The display order of post is based on Date or Popular
Sort By: Resume posts will be sorted according to Recent or Older
Show Pagination: Choose Show or Hide

5. Job Map

This shortcode is used in creating Home Map Page
• Map Height: Height of the map background
Map Style: There are 5 styles which are Dark, Light, Nature, Apple Map and Default
Center Latitude: Latitude of the Map’s center point
• Center longitude: Longitude of the Map’s center point
Note: You can refer to this link to identify your place`s longitude and latitude easily
• Zoom Level: You can change zoom level of the map here
• Fit all jobs: Opt Disable or Enable. If enable, the map will ignore the above settings and only show all your jobs
• Show Job Search: Choose Show or Hide
• Enable Keyword Search: Choose Show or Hide Keyword
• Search Position 2,3,4: Opt a field to show in Search area. Opt None so that the Search Position will not be displayed
• Visibility: Which device to show the shortcode, it can be “all, hidden phone, hidden tablet, hidden pc, visible phone, visible tablet, visible pc”

6. Advanced Search

This shortcode is used in creating Home Page, Home Resume Page, 
Main Title:
Enter a title here
Top title: This title is shown at the top of Home page
Search Form Layout: The form can be Horizontal or Vertical
Background Type: There are 3 types that are Image Slider, One Image and None. Among these types, the first two ones allow you to upload images.
If you select Image Slider Type then you will have extra options like:
Slider Images: Upload images
Slider Animation: The animation can be Fade or Slide
Slider Time (ms): The time during which slider plays
Slider Speed(ms): The speed at which slider plays
Slide Max Height(px): The maximum height of the slider
If you select One Image type, you will have extra options such as:
Image: Upload an image
Image Height Type: Custom Height or Full screen
Image Max Height: Set the maximum height of the image. This setting will  only work when the Image Height Type is Custom
Search Form Top Position: The top position of the search form based on background image
Search Post Type: Choose Search Job or Resume
Enable Keyword Search: Select show or hide
Search Position 2, 3, 4: Choose a search field in the drop-down list

7. Companies Listing

This shortcode is used to show a list of companies. There is only an option called Title

8. Companies Featured

It is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Ver.2
Title: Enter a title here
Posts Per Page: The number of shown posts
Content: Create content

9. Noo Testimonial

This shortcode is used in creating Home Ver.2
Display Style: There are 2 styles that are Style 1 and Style 2. If you opt Style 2, you will have options like
Auto Play: Choose Yes or No
Hidden Pagination: Choose Yes or NoMeanwhile, if you choose Style 1, you will have a further option:
Testimonial Image Per Page: Enter a number of shown customer images

10. Noo Indeed

This shortcode is used to create Indeed Jobs page
Enter a title
Query: Enter keywords to search Indeed jobs. Keywords must be separated by “or”. The default one is ANDed
Location, Job type, country: enter a location, job type and country. Jobs will be taken from indeed according to these criteria
Job Per Page: The number of jobs is shown per page
