Jobs – NooTheme NooTheme Fri, 23 Sep 2016 04:51:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jobs – NooTheme 32 32 Job Package`s Add-ons Thu, 22 Sep 2016 10:36:29 +0000

These add-ons of job package help employers upgrade their current package. In other words,  they are useful in adding a certain number of job postings and set extra featured jobs other than the number of job postings and featured jobs stated in the current package.

To create an add-on Job Package, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Products/ Add Product/ Enter a title and content
Step 2: Choose Job Package Add-on in Product Data.
Step 3: Complete details of the Add-on such as Regular Price, Sales Price, Select Package (you can select many packages), Job Posting Limit (the number of jobs an employer who buy this add-on can post. You can also set up unlimited posting, Featured Job limit (this option places a limit on the number of featured jobs an employer can set)
Step 4: On the right side, select product category (it should be the category of Job package)
Step 5: Click on Publish button

Note: Add-ons will be displayed on Manage Page which shows the corresponding packages the admin set in Select Package option.

Job Category/ Type/ Tag/ Location Wed, 21 Sep 2016 03:53:39 +0000

♣ Add a job category
Go to Jobs> Job category> Enter name of the new category> Click Add New Job Category
♣ Add a job type
Go to Jobs> Job Type> Enter name of the new type> Click Add New Job Type. After creating a new job type, you can set color of each type.
♣ Add A Job Tag
Go to Jobs> Job Tag> Enter name of the new job tag> Click Add New Job Tag.
♣ Add A New Job Location
Go to Jobs> Job Location> Enter name of the new job location> Click Add New Job Location


Approve/Reject A Job Submission Wed, 21 Sep 2016 03:35:49 +0000

Jobmonster allows admin to approve or reject a job from Admin panel. To enable this function, navigate to Jobmonster/ Settings/ Jobs. In General tab, check/uncheck the box Job Approve to enable/disable this feature.

To approve job, turn back to Jobs. You can approve job by clicking the approve button on the right side of each job. To reject job, move the job to trash by clicking the button Move to Trash on the left side of each job.


Job Package`s Add-ons Wed, 03 Aug 2016 04:44:14 +0000
These add-ons of job package help employers upgrade their current package. In other words,  they are useful in adding a certain number of job postings and set extra featured jobs other than the number of job postings and featured jobs stated in the current package.

To create an add-on Job Package, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Products/ Add Product/ Enter a title and content
Step 2: Choose Job Package Add-on in Product Data.
Step 3: Complete details of the Add-on such as Regular Price, Sales Price, Select Package (you can select many packages), Job Posting Limit (the number of jobs an employer who buy this add-on can post. You can also set up unlimited posting, Featured Job limit (this option places a limit on the number of featured jobs an employer can set)
Step 4: On the right side, select product category (it should be the category of Job package)
Step 5: Click on Publish button

Note: Add-ons will be displayed on Manage Page which shows the corresponding packages the admin set in Select Package option.



Add a New Company Thu, 19 Nov 2015 06:36:06 +0000
Step 1: Go to Jobs> Companies> Add New > Enter title (name of the company) and content.
Step 2: Complete Company Information that contains:
Company Logo: Upload the logo
Cover Image: Select an image to upload
Company Website: Enter website of the company
Facebook/Twitter/Google+/LinkedIn/Instagram URL: Enter link of these social pages
Step 3: Click Publish button


Companies Tue, 31 Mar 2015 04:34:45 +0000 You can add more company and manage all companies from Admin panel. Navigate to Jobs > Companies to have a list of all companies available on your site. Click Add New button on the top to add a company. Fill in the necessary field: Name, Description (editing field), upload logo and website and social link. You’ve just done. Save and publish it.

Add New Job Tue, 31 Mar 2015 04:33:06 +0000 Please follow these steps to add a new job from backend:

  • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Jobs > Add New Job tab.
  • Step 2: Enter title and description of your job.
  • Step 3: Choose Job Category and Type in right side box

Note: you can add or remove Job Category at Jobs > Job Category. Same for Job Type, please go to Jobs > Job Type to add or remove Job type.

  • Step 4: In Job Settings field below editing area, enter email that receives application for job and select company the job belongs to in dropdown list. Set Closing date of the job then save and publish.