Sidebar & Widget – NooTheme NooTheme Fri, 30 Sep 2016 03:07:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sidebar & Widget – NooTheme 32 32 Sidebars & Widgets Fri, 23 Sep 2016 05:01:43 +0000

Jobmonster allows you to create an unlimited number of sidebar. Each page or post can come with a unique sidebar. To select a sidebar for post or page, make sure you set page template with sidebar You may need to create several separate sidebars to use for different pages and posts. Follow these steps to generate a sidebar and add widgets to it.

Create A Sidebar

Step 1: Navigate to Appearance–> Sidebar Generator and click the Add New button, enter sidebar title then save. You can add as many sidebars as you need.

Step 2: Once you are done, you need to add Widgets to the sidebar you just created.

Step 3: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets and find your sidebar on the right side.

Step 4: On the left hand side you will see all the widgets you can use, simply drag and drop the widget you want into your sidebar on the right hand site.

Step 5: Make sure you click Save to save the widgets added to your sidebar

Add Widgets to A Sidebar

You can add any widget and any number of widgets to your sidebar. All widgets are accessible from Appearance–>Widgets and easily dragged and dropped to your sidebar.

Step 1
: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets to access the list of widgets and widget section that they can be added. The left hand side shows all the widgets you can use. The right hand side shows all different sections you can add widgets to.

Step 2: Simply drag and drop the widget you want into the widgets section you want the right hand side.

Step 3: Don’t forget to click save changes after you customize any widget in sidebar.

The image above illustrates 5 sidebars that are Company Sidebar, Main Sidebar, Job Sidebar, Resume Sidebar and Shop Sidebar

1. Company Sidebar

This sidebar is used for Companies Listing Page
Drag Search widget on the left side to this sidebar> click the triangle icon> Enter title> Save

2. Main Sidebar

This sidebar is shown on Blog page
Drag Search, Categories, Recent Posts, Archives and Meta widgets to this sidebar. Click the triangle icon on the right of each widget to complete options> Save

3. Job Sidebar

This sidebar is displayed in Job page
Drag Noo Advanced Search, Tag Cloud, Noo Job Count, Noo Job Type, Noo Jobs, Noo Job location to this sidebar> complete options> Save

4. Resume sidebar

This sidebar is shown on Resume page
Drag Resume Advanced Search widget to this sidebar> complete options> Save.

5. Shop Sidebar

This sidebar is shown on Shop Page
Drag some widgets like Woocommerce Product Categories and Woocommerce Product Search on the left side to this sidebar> Click the triangle icon on the right side of the widget> complete options> Save

Jobmonster Widgets Tue, 31 Mar 2015 06:53:57 +0000 Widgets are frequently used to create sidebar or footer. Beside default WordPress widgets, Jobmonster added number of job and resume custom widgets. To view all Widgets, navigate to Appearance > Widgets. You can drag and drop widgets from left side list into footer columns or sidebars as you want. Here is the list of Jobmonster Custom Widget you may want to use to have sidebar and footer like in Jobmonster demo.

Noo Job Categories

Show all job categories and number of job in each category. Can be used in Jobs listing page for filtering jobs by category.

job categories

Noo Job Count

Show number of all companies and jobs. Can be used in Companies listing page as in our demo.

job count

Noo Job Location

Show all job locations and number of jobs in each location. Since there may be lots of job location, you can set number of location to show in frontend. Can be used in Jobs listing page for filtering jobs by location.

job location

Noo Job Search

Show job search box. Can be used in Jobs listing page for searching jobs by keywords.

noo search

Noo Job Type

Show all job types and number of jobs in each type. Can be used in Jobs listing page for filtering jobs by type.

job type

Noo Mailchimp


Show newsletter subscription box to your Mailchimp list. You can select the Mailchimp list from Subscribe Mail List dropdown list.

To integrate your Mailchimp list into Jobmonster Mailchimp widget, navigate to Customizer > Site Enhancement tab and enable Mailchimp Subscribe. Enter your Mailchimp API key in Mailchimp Settings box to connect to your account. To get API key of your Mailchimp account, create a key in this link

Noo Resume Search

Show resume search box. Can be used in Resumes listing page for searching resumes by keywords.

resume search

Resume Categories

Show all resume categories and number of resume in each category. Can be used in Resumes listing page for filtering resumes by category.

resume categories

Resume Count

Show number of all resumes. Can be used in Resume listing page as in our demo.

resume count

Jobmonster Sidebars Tue, 31 Mar 2015 04:56:41 +0000 To make it more convenient for you, we pre-made 3 Jobmonster Sidebars that we used in our demo. They are all ready to be added to any page and post you want.

  • Job Sidebar: is the sidebar with job search, job category, job type boxes, which is being used in Job listing page in our demo.
  • Company Sidebar: is the sidebar with job search and job count box, which is being used in Companies, listing page in our demo.
  • Resume Sidebar: is the sidebar with resume search, resume count and resume category boxes which is being used in Resumes listing page in our demo.
Add Sidebar Widgets Tue, 31 Mar 2015 04:55:40 +0000 In addition to default WordPress widgets, Jobmonster included custom Job and Resume widgets. All the custom widgets will be introduced in next section JOBMONSTER WIDGETS. You can add any widget and any number of widgets into your sidebar. All widgets are accessible from Appearance–>Widgets and easily dragged and dropped into your sidebar.

  • Step 1: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets to access the list of widgets and widget section that they can be added. The left hand side shows all the widgets you can use. The right hand side shows all different sections you can add widgets to.
  • Step 2: Simply drag and drop the widget you want into the widgets section you want the right hand side.
  • Step 3: Don’t forget to click save changes after you customize any widget in sidebar.
Create sidebar Tue, 31 Mar 2015 04:54:26 +0000
  • Step 1: Navigate to Appearance–> Sidebar Generator and click the Add New button, enter sidebar title then save. You can add as many sidebars as you need.
  • Step 2: Once you are done, you need to add Widgets to the sidebar you just created.
  • Step 3: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets and find your sidebar on the right side.
  • Step 4: On the left hand side you will see all the widgets you can use, simply drag and drop the widget you want into your sidebar on the right hand site.
  • Step 5: Make sure you click Save to save the widgets added to your sidebar.
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