Department & Doctor – NooTheme NooTheme Thu, 15 Oct 2015 02:46:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Department & Doctor – NooTheme 32 32 Doctor Setting Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:46:39 +0000
  • Doctor Information: This section will help you fill out doctor information needed including departments, speciality, degrees, experience, email and training.
  • Media Data: Social: This section allows to enter social URL by which customer can contact with doctor.
  • ]]>
    Add New Doctor Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:45:40 +0000 Please follow these steps to add a new doctor:

    • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Doctor–>Add New Doctor to add new doctor
    • Step 2: Enter Name and Description for doctor.
    • Step 3: Choose Doctor Categories and Featured Image of doctor on the right side.
    • Step 4: Scroll down your mouse, you will see Doctor Information and Media Data: Social section. Please fill out information for sections.
    • Step 5: All done, Click “Publish” to save all information.
    Timetable Page Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:44:00 +0000 To set up a page as Timetable page to show all department schedules, simply create a new page then add Department Timetable shortcode (you can easily find this shortcode in Medicus shortcode list). You can select departments you want to show schedule of department and choose the filter style including Tabs, Filter or Hide filter on Timetable page.

    Department Listing Page Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:41:43 +0000 To set up a page as Department Listing Page to show all departments, create a new page. From admin panel, navigate to Customizer–> Department tab. Here you can find your page from dropdown list to set as Department Listing page.

    Department Settings Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:39:40 +0000 In this section, you can enter your department information, including some options below:

    • Settings: You need to provide address of your department which will help the patient easily find location of department.

    Services Setting

    • Services Information: Enter description which describes the services that department offers.
    • Services Treatments/ Services Investigation: You can add any services for department by clicking “Add Treatments/Add Investigation”. You will have two fields, one is Name and one is Price, please fill out information for two field that will help the patient easily choose appropriate services.

    Timetable Settings

    Timetable Color: You can choose color for timetable of department that will be used to distinguish between different departments in timetable.

    Add Timetable: You can setup schedule of department by hitting Add timetable. There are some information you need to fill in: Timetable day (You can choose one day from dropdown list), Start Hour, End Hour (Time when department opened/closed) and Doctor (The doctor who is responsible for resolving cases on that shift. You can choose doctor of that department from dropdown list).

    [Medicus] Add Department Category Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:20:12 +0000 To add new department category, you can follow these steps:

    • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Department–>Department Category.
    • Step 2: You will see Add New Department Category on the left side, please enter name, slug, and description for Department Category.
    • Step 3: All done, click “Add New Department Category” to save your information. The new department category will be displayed on the right side when you add new department.
    [Medicus] Add New Department Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:19:22 +0000 Follow these steps to add new department from backend:

    • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Department–> Add New
    • Step 2: Enter title and description of your Department.
    • Step 3: Choose Department Category and set Featured Image of department on the right side.
    • Step 4: Scroll down your mouse, you will see Settings section of Department. In this section you need to fill out information for Address of Department, and services including Services Information, Service Treatments, and Services Investigation and set up Timetable for your Department.
    • Step 5: All done, Click Publish to save your class.