Medicus Shortcode – NooTheme NooTheme Wed, 09 Mar 2016 03:39:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Medicus Shortcode – NooTheme 32 32 Visual Composer Tue, 08 Mar 2016 07:38:40 +0000
Visual composer is a drag and drop frontend and backend page builder plugin that equips you with more than 40 elements (also called shortcodes) to design your page with ease. In addition to these predefined elements, Medicus has 11 extra ones helping you to create many desirable pages. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Medicus tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcodes to any pages or posts for your own use.


Note: In some cases, when you add an element and edit it, you should edit Row settings at the same time.


Row settings include:
Row stretch: In our demo, we set Default in this section. Besides Default, you can select Stretch row, Stretch row and content, stretch row and content (no paddings). If opting these ones, the whole content in Red row 2 will disappear when it is shown on the site.
Columns gap: Select gap between columns in row
Full height row: when you tick this box, row will be set to full height.
Equal height: If this box is checked, height of columns will be equal
Content Position: Position of content can be Default, at Top/Bottom or in the middle
Use video background: If this box is checked, video will be used as row background.
Parallax Background: If you check this box, you will have further options to upload an image and set parallax speed. The speed varies from -1.0 and 1.0
Background color: opt color for background here. Below background color section, you will have an option to upload the background image and opt styles of background image: theme default, cover, contain, no repeat and repeat.
Background Image: Upload a background image here
Background Color Overlay: Select a background color here
Background Image Repeat: check this box if you want the background image to be repeated
Disable Parallax on Mobile: Tick this box so that parallax is disabled on mobile
Parallax Velocity: You can set speed here. It fluctuates between -1.0 and 1.0
Background Video: If you tick this box, the video background will override image and color background
Has Container: If you tick this box, the row will be placed in a container
Border: Choose a kind of border in the drop-down list
Padding Top/Bottom: You can set Padding Top/Bottom here


1. Noo Blog Masonry


This one is used to create Blog Masonry Page
Categories: Choose Blog Categories in the drop-down list
Title: Enter a title here
Order By: This option handles the display order of blog posts. The order can be Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per Page:
The number of posts is shown per page
Columns: The number of columns is displayed per page
Excerpt length: The number entered here is equal to the number of texts included in the excerpt.


2. Noo Recent News


This shortcode is used in building Home Page and Home Services Slider
Enter a title here
Sub Title: Enter a sub title here
Categories: Select categories in the drop-down list
Columns: Choose the number of columns shown per page. It fluctuates between 2 and 4
Posts per page: The number of posts shown per page
Show excerpt: Choose Yes or No to show or hide the excerpt
Excerpt length: The number entered here is equal to the number of texts included in the excerpt.


3. Noo Department List


This shortcode is used in creating Home page
Title: Enter a title here
Sub Title: Enter a sub title here
List Style: The style can be Center or Left. If you choose Center, texts will be in center or on the left side
Columns: Choose the number of shown columns. It fluctuates between 2 and 4
Department per page: Set the number of shown department
Show excerpt: Choose Yes or No to show or hide the excerpt
Excerpt Length: The number entered here is equal to the number of texts included in the excerpt


4. Noo Mailchimp Widget


This shortcode contributes to generation of Home Page
Widget title:
Enter a title here
Subscribe Text: Enter a short description here
Subscribe Mail List: Choose a Mail List in the drop-down list



5. Noo Testimonial Classic


This is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Page
Classic Testimonial Title:
Enter a title here
Testimonial per page: The number of testimonials is shown per page
Auto Play: Choose Yes or No
Slider Duration: Set a number that is equal to duration of the slider
Show name/ position: Choose Yes or No to show or hide name/position


6. Noo Testimonial Thumbnail Pagination 

It is one of the shortcodes used to create Home Services Slider
Testimonial Title
: Enter a title here
Testimonial Image Per Page: The number of testimonial images is shown per page
Auto Play: Choose Yes or No
Slider Duration: Set a number here
Show name/ position: Choose Yes or No to show or hide name/position


7. Noo Our Doctor

This one is used in building Homepage
Noo Our Doctor Title: Enter a title here
Sub Title: Enter a sub title here
Doctor per page: The number of doctors is shown per page
Style: There are two styles. They are rectangle and circle image
Auto Play: Choose Yes or No
Slider Duration: Set a number that is equal to duration of the slider
Show Name: Choose Yes or No to Show or Hide name of doctors
Show Description: Choose Yes or No to show or hide description
Description Length: The number enter here is equal to the number of texts included in the description


8. Department Slider

This shortcode is used to create Home Services Slider
• Department Slider settings:

Auto Play: Choose Yes or No
Pause on hover:
Spacing: You can set space of the slider here
Slider Height/ Width: Set a number that is equal to height/width of the slider
• Department Slide settings:
Department Image: Upload an image here
Department Icon: Upload an icon
Department Title: Enter title of the department
Department Description: Give a short description here
Department Link: Enter a link that leads users to the Department

9. Noo Timeline

This one is used in creating About Us page
Noo Timeline settings:
Title: Enter a title
Sub title: Enter a sub title
Noo Timeline Item settings:
Image: Upload an image here
Item Title: Enter title of the item
Item Content: Enter content of the item


10. Noo Service

This shortcode is used in building About Us Page
Type: You can choose Image or Icon. If it is Image, you will have an extra option to upload an image. If your choice is Icon, you will click the arrow to select an icon
Service Title: Enter a title here
Service Content: Enter the content

11. Department Timetable

This shortcode is used to create Timetable Page

Select Departments: Choose Depatments whose timetable will be shown
Filter Type: There are 3 kinds of Filter

1. Tabs
2. Filter
3. Hide

Shortcode Mon, 01 Jun 2015 04:37:09 +0000 Instead of writing lines of code to build elements, we built Medicus with number of premade shortcodes that enable you to create many elements you see in our demo in fingertips. By installing Visual Composer (the page builder plugin integrated in the theme package), you will have the Visual Backend Editor where every shortcodes are displayed visually before your eyes and easily generated in several clicks. In addition to Default Visual Composer shortcodes, Medicus comes with 6 specific shortcodes. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Medicus tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcode to any pages or posts for your own use.

There are 10 custom Medicus Shortcodes. Below are list 10 shortcodes and their attributes:

Noo Blog Masonry

Use this shortcode if you want to build Blog masonry page.

Detail option:

  • Categories: Select categories of which blog posts will be displayed on blog page.
  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Order By: This option will help you arrange your posts following different order criteria including Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet, and Title Reversed Alphabet.
  • Post per page: This option allows you to choose the number of post will be displayed per page.
  • Columns: Number of post columns. The column attribute controls the width of columns should be displayed on Blog Masonry page.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post selection.

Noo Recent News

This shortcode allows latest post displayed on your site.

Detail option:

  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Sub Title: Enter text which will be used as subtitle. Leave blank if no sub title is needed.
  • Columns: Number of posts column. The column attribute controls the width of columns should be displayed on Recent News page.
  • Posts per page: This option allows you to choose the number of post will be displayed on Recent News page.
  • Show Excerpt: This option will help you Enable/Disable Excerpt Length of each post. If enable, please enter the number of characters you want to display below post selection.
  • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Noo Department List

Use this shortcode if you want to show all departments on frontend.

Detail option:

  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Sub Title: Enter text which will be used as sub title. Leave blank if no sub title is needed.
  • List Style: This option allows you to choose layout for department items. You can choose Style Left (text & icon aligned to left side) or Style Cent( text & icon aligned to center).
  • Columns: Number of department columns. The column attribute controls the width of columns should be displayed on Department page.
  • Departments per page: The number of department will be displayed on Department per page.
  • Show Excerpt: This option will help you Enable/Disable Excerpt Length of each post. If enable please enter the number of characters you want to display below post selection.
  • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC

Noo MailChimp

Use this shortcode to build MailChimp Subscribe form.

Detail option:

  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Subscribe Text: Enter text which will be used as subtitle. It is displayed below title.
  • Subscribe Mail List: This option allows you to choose a Mailchimp list for the subscribe form.

Noo Testimonial

This shortcode will help you show all testimonials as slider.

Detail option:

  • Class Testimonial Title: Enter title here.
  • Testimonial Per Page: The number of customer testimonial will be displayed per page.
  • Auto Play: If Yes, your testimonial slider will be automatically transmitted on your page.
  • Slider Duration: The duration after which one testimonial is automatically transmitted on your page. Note: with Mini-seconds unit (1000=1 second).
  • Show Name/ Show Position: This option allows you to display/not display name/ position of customers on your page.
  • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC

Noo Testimonial Thumbnail Pagination

This shortcode has the same options as Noo Classic Testimonial with a different layout. Here is frontend of this shortcode:

Noo Our Doctor

This shortcode allows you to show list doctor as slider.
Detail option:

  • Noo Our Doctor Title: Enter title for this shortcode here.
  • Subtitle: Enter subtitle which will be shown below title.
  • Doctor Per Page: The maximum number of doctor items will be displayed on Noo Our Doctor page.
  • Style: There are 2 styles you can choose: Rectangle Image and Circle Image.

Rectangle Image

Circle Image

  • Auto Play: : If Yes, your doctor slider will be automatically transmitted on your page.
  • Slider Duration: The duration after which one testimonial is automatically transmitted on your page. Note: with Mini-seconds unit (1000=1 second).
  • Show Name: This option allows you to display/ not display name of doctor on your page.
  • Show Description: This option allows you to display/not display description of doctor on your page. If display, please enter the number of characters you want to display below doctor selection.
  • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC

Department Slider

Use this shortcode if you want to have a slider as in Home Service Slider.

General option:

  • Animation: Includes Slide & Fade. You can choose appropriate animation for your slide.
  • Auto Play: Yes/No. If Yes, your slider will be automatically transmitted on your page.
  • Pause On Hover: Yes/No. If yes, when you hover your mouse your slider will be automatically paused on your page.
  • Spacing: The blank between 2 sliders. You can enter its width in px.
  • Slider Height/Slider Width: Configure height/width for slider.
  • Visibility: Select device which slider will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC

After configuring general option of your slider, you need to add each Department Slide item and here is setting for it:

  • Department Image/Department Icon: Choose one image/icon from Media Library or upload from your computer.
  • Department Title: Enter name here.
  • Department Description: Enter some text which will be shown below department title on you sider.
  • Department Link: Enter link that will be redirected when you click “view more” button on slider.
  • Class: Enter a unique class name here.

Noo Timeline

This shortcode is used to create a timeline for about us page.

General option:

  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Sub Title: Enter sub title here.
  • Class: Enter a unique class name.
  • Visibility: Select device which timeline will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on PC/Tablet/Phone
  • Custom Style: Enter inline CSS.

After general configuration, you need to add each Noo Timeline Item for your page and here is setting for each item:

  • Image: Select image from Media Library or Upload your image by hitting “+”
  • Item Title: Enter title here.
  • Item Content: Enter item content here.

Department Timetable

Use this shortcode if you want to build department schedule page.

Detail option:

  • Select Departments: Select departments which will be displayed on timetable.
  • Filter type: Select filter type: Tabs or Filter.



  • Visibility: Select devices which timetable will be displayed on your page. You can choose Show/Hide on PC/Tablet/Phone

Noo Service

This shortcode is used to show services on About us page.

Detail option:

  • Type: That includes Image Style or Icon Style. If you choose Image you need to select image form Media Library or your computer. And choose Icon you can select icon from list icon by clicking the arrow down symbol.
  • Service Title: Enter title here.
  • Service Content: Enter service content here.