Slider – NooTheme NooTheme Thu, 15 Oct 2015 02:45:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Slider – NooTheme 32 32 Add Slides To Your Slider Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:54:38 +0000
  • Step 1: Click the Edit Slides button in the Rev Slider settings.
  • Step 2: Click the New Slide or New Transparent Slider button.
  • Step 3: When done, you will see a new slide box, click “Edit Slide” to open the slide editing section. This is where you add all your slide content.
  • Step 4: The slide editing section has many different sections that allow you to customize the slide. We cannot cover them all, but please do check out each one.
  • Step 5: To add a text layer, click the “Add Layer” button that sits below the slider preview window. Enter your text in the Text/HTML field that shows in the Layer General Parameter box. To style it, select one of the styles from the dropdown or make your own by clicking “Edit Style”.
  • Step 6: To add an image or video, click the “Add Layer: Image” or “Add Layer: Video”.
  • Step 7: Below the slide preview box on the left hand side are 3 sections; Layer Parameters, Layer Animations, Layer Links & Advanced Parameters. Select the settings you wish to have, and click Preview Slide to see a preview of what will happen.
  • Step 8: On the right hand side below the slider preview box is the Layers Timing & Sorting box where you set the time it takes for each layer to show on the screen.
  • Step 9: When finished, click Update Slide to save it. Repeat process for more slides.
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    Create New Revolution Slider Mon, 01 Jun 2015 03:52:29 +0000
  • Step 1: From admin panel, navigate to Revolution Slider–> Create New Slider
  • Step 2: Insert a slider name & alias. The alias text will generate a shortcode that can be used in the editing field of pages or posts.
  • Step 3: Select the Source Type. If you choose Posts or Specific Posts, please refer to the Revolution Slider Docs for information on how to set up that.
  • Step 4: Select the Slider Layout type, each type will have its own settings. Set the Grid and Responsive settings here also. View the layout example diagram below this area to understand what each section is.
  • Step 5: On the right hand side are many other options you can set. All are self-explanatory with descriptions. Test them out.
  • Step 6: All done, click “Create Slider” to save your slider.
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