Theme Customizer – NooTheme NooTheme Tue, 08 Mar 2016 06:48:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Theme Customizer – NooTheme 32 32 Import/Export Settings Tue, 08 Mar 2016 06:48:04 +0000
All themes of NooTheme share the same theme settings structure so that you can export then import setting from one theme to another one conveniently.

  • Import Settings: Click Upload button then choose a JSON file (.json) from your computer to import setting to this theme. All the settings will be loaded for preview here and will not be saved until you click button “Save and Publish”.
  • Export Setting: Simply click Download button to export all your settings to a JSON file (.json). You then can use that file to restore theme settings to any theme of NooTheme.


Custom Code Tue, 08 Mar 2016 06:46:22 +0000
In this section you can add custom JavaScript and CSS to your site. You Google analytics tracking code should be added to Custom JavaScript field.


Social Media Tue, 08 Mar 2016 06:44:07 +0000
Input URLs of your social media here so that corresponding social icons will be displayed if Social Icon is enabled on Top Bar or Bottom Bar


Doctor Mon, 07 Mar 2016 10:38:45 +0000
Doctor Page: Choose a Page which will become Doctor Page
Doctor Layout: Choose a layout for Doctor Page. The layout can be Full-width, With Left or Right Sidebar
Doctor Sidebar: Choose a sidebar which will be shown on Doctor Page
Grid Columns: Select the number of columns shown on this page. The number varies from 1 to 4
Items per page: The number of doctors is shown per page
Doctors Heading Title: Enter a heading title which is displayed on Doctor Page
Doctors Heading Background Image: Upload a heading background image here
Content of contact with doctor (HTML): This content will be shown on Doctor Profile Page
p191Link Make An Appointment: Enter link that will direct users to Make A Appointment section



Department Mon, 07 Mar 2016 05:02:32 +0000

1. Department Listing


Department Page: Choose a page which will be Department Page in the drop-down list
Department Heading Title: Enter a heading title shown on Department Listing Page
Department Heading Background Image: Upload a Heading Background Image here
Department List Layout: Choose a layout that is used for Department Listing Page. The layout can be Full-Width, With Left or Right Sidebar
Department List Sidebar: Choose a sidebar that will be shown on Department Listing page
Items Per Page: The number of items is shown per page
Grid Columns: Choose the number of columns that will be shown on Department Listing Page. The number fluctuates between 2 and 4



2. Single Department


Single Department Layout: Tick Same As Departments List layout so that Single Department has the same layout as Department Listing Page


Blog Mon, 07 Mar 2016 04:24:11 +0000

Making some changes in this section will have some impacts on Post list and each post on Blog page

1. Post list

Blog Layout: The layout of Post list is Full-width , With Right Sidebar or With Left Side bar. Choose the first style if you do not want sidebar to be displayed on Blog page. In contrast, the last ones will let sidebar be shown on the page

Blog Sidebar: choose a sidebar that will be shown on Blog page

Heading Title: enter a title

Heading Background image: Upload, change or remove Heading background image here

Excerpt Length: Excerpt is a short paragraph or an extract taken from the blog post. The number you enter here is corresponding to the number of words included in this excerpt.

Show Readmore Link/ Post Meta:  Tick boxes to show these items



2. Single Post


Post Layout: Tick this box so that  single posts have the same layout as Post list. Uncheck to opt another layout.
Enable Related Post: Turn this button on then related posts will be shown
Show Post Meta, Post Tags, Show Author`s Bio: Tick these boxes to show these items on each post
Enable Social Sharing: Enable/Disable Social Sharing. If it is enabled, visitors can  share your post by Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn


Widgets Mon, 07 Mar 2016 04:20:35 +0000
This section enables you to customize Widgets situated in Footer. Besides, you can also add widgets Noo-Footer Column #.


Footer Mon, 07 Mar 2016 03:19:16 +0000
Enable Top Footer:  Enable this button so that the Footer Top can be shown
Top Footer Content HTML: Add content to to the Footer Top
Footer Columns: Select the number of columns which is shown on Footer


Header Mon, 07 Mar 2016 03:12:03 +0000

1. Navigation Bar


NavBar Position: Position of NavBar includes Static Top and Fixed Top. Static Top, in this case, the NavBar does not move. It means that when you scroll down on the page and let the mouse pass the NavBar, you will not see the NavBar displayed on top. However, Fixed Top will allow you to see the NavBar when you scroll down the mouse.
Use Custom NavBar Font and Color: Turn on this button to change NavBar Font and Color. Then you can change NavBar Font, Font Size, Link Color, Link Hover Color.
Transform to Uppercase: Tick this box so that Header font will transform into Uppercase.



Medicus allows you to add image file or use text for logo. If turning off Use image for Logo button, you will have options to enter your site name, select logo font from Google font, font size, uppercase or lowercase for text logo. If turning this button on, you will have two logo images to upload.  The first one is for standard desktop while the second one is for retina ready devices (optional). Click the Uploadbutton and select your logo file. Upload your logo image and retina one (a larger image, with double the amount of pixels that your image will be displayed at). Enter your image height you want to display on navigation bar and we will do the calculation part for you to make it look great on all screen size.


3. NavBar Alignment


You can adjust Navbar HeightNavNar Link Spacing and Mobile Icon Size here


4. Top Bar


Enable Top Bar: Enable this button to add content to the top bar
Custom Content (HTML): Add content here
Show Search Box: Check this box to show search box in the top bar


Typography Fri, 04 Mar 2016 05:01:22 +0000
You can customize your Typography settings here. Medicus integrated all Google Fonts. See font preview at Google Fonts
Use Custom Fonts?: Turn this button on to change font styles of Headings and Body
Custom Font Color: Turn this button on to change color of Heading and Body font
Headings Font: opt a font type in the drop-down list
Font Color: select a font color
Transform to Uppercase: If ticking this box, you will have headings <h1><h2><h3> which are in uppercase
Body font: Choose a body font in the drop-down list
Font size: Opt a font size
Font Color: Select a font color


Design and Layout Fri, 04 Mar 2016 04:53:39 +0000

1. Site Layout


You can set Style & Layout for your site. Medicus is equipped with  two layout styles including: Boxed Layout and Fullwidth layout.


If you select Boxed Layout, you will have further options:
Site Width, Site Max Width: these options handle width of the site
Background color, Background Image: If you opt yellow for background, background of your site will be filled with this color. However, when you set up background image, background of the site will be replaced with a new image.
Background repeat: Background Repeat will work effectively if you use patterned background image. When you let the image repeated, its copies will cover the whole background.


Background image attachment: There are two types that are Fixed image and Scroll with site. Fixed image means that when you scroll down on the page, you will still see the background image. Yet Scroll with site does not allow you to do this.
Auto Resize: if you turn on the button, image will appear in the whole background area. Yet, turning off this button will make background image be displayed only in a part of one side. Position of background image in this case may be left top, left center, left bottom, center top, center center, etc of the side. It depends on your choice in Background Image Alignment box.


2. Color


You can select a color for links and various elements of your site


Site Enhancement Fri, 04 Mar 2016 04:42:48 +0000
Custom Favicon: A favicon is a simple square image viewable in browsers for users to identify your website among many tabs. Ideally, it should be a 32×32 pixels or a 16×16 pixels. Most modern browsers can display a favicon in PNG format but older versions of Internet Explorer may not. To make sure your favicon be shown nicely, it is recommended to be in .ico format. Add your favicon in our customizer simply by clicking “Open Library” button in “Custom Favicon”, selecting your existing image or uploading new image. Please see the below illustrative image to better understand function of the favicon. After choosing the favicon, you will click Save and Publish. Then when you come back to your site, you will see an image displayed on the tap of your website. It is clear that by dint of the favion, you can distinguish your website`s tab from other tabs more easily.
Back To Top Button: Back To Top Button will appear in the right bottom when users scroll down. Enable/Disable as your preference.

Enable Page Heading: Page Heading will appear on the header of page. When you enable this option, you will have header background image on blog page, shop page or another page…

Enable Mailchimp subscribe: Turn off this button, Mailchimp subscribe part in Footer will disappear. If you turn on it then you will have an extra option, Mailchimp settings, to enter API key.

Smooth Scrolling: Enable this button so that the scrolling can be smooth.


