Page & Blog – NooTheme NooTheme Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:15:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Page & Blog – NooTheme 32 32 Subscription Setting Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:15:30 +0000 Notica allows you to set up exclusive posts which users only can fully access when they subscribe to a plan or login to their account. You have 2 options this feature: users just need to login to read full exclusive posts or users need to pay via PayPal to read full exclusive posts, here you can enable trial duration or not.

If you want to enable this feature you can tick Is Lock Post on Post Setting. After that, you will see the box that allow to enter your content which is showed when user un-subscribed.

You can go to Dashboard–> Settings–> Member& Subscription to configure Subscription Setting

  • Subscribe Type: This option allows to enable/disable subscription.

If you don’t want to enable subscription you can tick on No Subscribe (and No Looked content) option.

If user is registered on your site, you tick Require only Login to enable subscription.

If user don’t register, you can tick Paid Subscription to enable subscription. After selected this option you need to configure the Subscribe Amount and Subscribe Period (days). Beside, you can allows user to register trial period (days) for subscription.

  • Member Pages: This option allows you to assign page which is displayed on your site.
  • Payment Settings: This option will help you to select currency and enter account when you paid to subscribe by PayPal.
Blog Page Setting Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:12:36 +0000 Post Global Setting

Rating option

This feature supports admin or customizer to appreciate the value of each post by the way can enter or drag the number percent on bar. You can add or remove rating quality by go to Dashboard–> Posts–> Rating Criteria

Post Setting

  • Body Custom CSS Class: Add a custom CSS class to the <body> element. Separate class names with a space.
  • Page Layout: You can choose Layout of Single Post page, includes Full Width. With Right Sidebar and With Left Sidebar style.
  • Post Sidebar: this option allow to select sidebar which is displayed when viewed post. There are 3 style of sidebar: once is Main Sidebar, once is Shortcode Sidebar, once is Shop Sidebar.
  • Heading Background Image: This option allows to select an unique heading image for this post. If leave blank, the default heading image of Blog(In Customizer settings) will be used.

Post Format Setting

  • Gallery Settings: When selecting Gallery Format, you will have Gallery Setting meta-box to add as many images as you want into your gallery and manage your preview content as Featured Image, First Image on Gallery or Image Slideshow.
  • Image Settings: When you selecting Image Format for you post, you woll have Image Settings meta-box to choose main image of the post. Set Feature Image as main image for preview content or Choose Your Image if you want to set another image as main image for preview content.
  • Video Settings: When selecting Video Format, you will have Video Setting meta-box where you can add video URL, and embedded video code, aspect ratio and preview content as Featured Image, Video or Featured Image as Video Thumbnail.
  • Audio Settings: When selecting Audio Format, you will have Audio Setting meta-box where you can add audio URL, and embedded audio code and select preview content as Feature Image, Audio or Featured Image as Video Thumbnail.
  • Quote Settings: When selecting Quote Format, you will have Quote Setting meta-box where you can add Quote, name of people who originally said the quote. Beside you can select preview content as Feature Image for Post Quote.
Create Blog Page Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:09:51 +0000 Follow these steps bellow to create a blog post:

  • Step 1: In your Admin Panel, go to Post and navigate to Add New.
  • Step 2: Enter your title and choose Post Format from Format box on the right side which shows different post format options: Standard, Image, Video, Audio, Quote and Gallery.
  • Step 3: Add your post content in editing field. You can use our shortcode to build your content where needed.
  • Step 4: Add Categories for the post from the Categories box on the right side. You can add new category or choose from existing categories. Check the box to select Categories for your post. Add relevant Tags for your post in the Tags box, set Featured image on the right side and other setting from the sections below Editing field.

If you need detailed guide about post settings in WordPress, please find in WordPress Codex.

  • Step 5: All done, click Publish to publish your post.

Setting Up Homepage Sat, 18 Apr 2015 04:07:55 +0000 Setting Up Home Page

To setting up home page, please following these steps:

  • Step 1: Navigate to Settings–> Reading
  • Step 2: Select A Static Page option.
  • Step 3: Choose the page you want as your home page from the Front Page dropdown list.
  • Step 4: This is also the same spot you select the blog page as the Post page

List Class On Page

In notica theme, we used to some class which will help your page flexibly and easily to create your page. Please see list below to learn more about these.

  • base-border-right: This class allows to have border on right side that is used to separate page elements, shortcode and widgets.

Example: Homepage

To have this line as home page, you can go to Pages–> Choose Homepage–> Click button “edit” column of row you want to add class. Then enter class : base-border-right on box. See this image here.

  • rp-padding: This class will helps you to keep your site responsive that is always justified in center.
  • noovc-smart-content: This class allows to enable smart sidebar on your page.
Page Setting Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:54:09 +0000 You can choose various settings for your page in this box.

  • Body Custom CSS Class: Add custom CSS class to <body> elements.
  • Hide Page Title: This option allows you to Show/Hide your page title.
  • Enable Menu Transparent: If checked, you will enable menu transparent on your page.
  • Heading Background Image: This option will help you to select a unique heading Image for this page.
Page Template Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:53:27 +0000 We have built some specific Notica page templates for you. Here is list and their short description:

  • Default Template: The default template can be used for any page. You can customize and add shortcode to build Homepage, Contact, Blog…
  • Full- width Template: This template is set to be full-width that can be used for Homepage, About page….
  • Page with Left Sidebar: You can have your page with left sidebar with this template. Use this template for your blog or whichever page you want to have sidebar. Select Page sidebar to display in sidebar position in Sidebar box.
  • Page with Right Sidebar: Also with sidebar but the right one, and of course, its use is quite the same. Choose this template for your blog whichever page you want to have sidebar. Select Page sidebar to display in sidebar position in Sidebar box.
Create New Page Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:52:49 +0000 In this section, you will find how to create a new page and number of important page in Notica using our shortcode and widgets. We also did some change to the default WordPress page setup by adding some page templates and preset options for you to build your page fluidly.

Create New Page

Please follow these steps to create your pages:

  • Step 1: In Admin Panel, choose Page, click “Add New” on top then enter your page title. You can custom slug of the page in Permalink field appeared after entering title.

If you need to know more about Pages in WordPress, use the Help tab in the upper right of your screen.

  • Step 2: In Page Attributes box on the right side, choose your Parent page. It is set by default as no parent. Pages are usually ordered alphabetically, but you can choose your own order by entering a number in Order field.
  • Step 3: Also in Page Attributes box, choose your Page Template in dropdown list. See below Page Template list for more detail.
  • Step 4: Start editing your page content in the editing field. You can choose to edit your content using Visual or Text editor. To build content for you page you will need to our provided Shortcodes.
  • Step 5: Make other settings for the page in meta-boxes under editing field. Once you get your settings done, click Publish your page.