Theme Customizer – NooTheme NooTheme Sat, 18 Apr 2015 06:49:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Theme Customizer – NooTheme 32 32 Notica Customizer Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:43:31 +0000 Our Theme customizer works as the original WordPress customizer feature but be much more versatile. All our theme options can be changed in our Customizer on the left side and live previewed instantly in previewed on right side. With this intuitive interface, you can customize your website as you wish at your fingertips without writing a line of code.

To start using Customizer in Admin Panel, navigate to Customizer, you will be redirected to a live preview screen where you can change options on left side and preview your site on right side promptly. All your change will not be committed and viewed on your site until you click Save & Publish on top right of Customizer bar. You also are able to Export your setting in Customizer and Import to apply for other sites.

Site Enhancement

  • Custom Favicon: A favicon is a simple square image viewable in browsers for users to identify your website among many tabs. Ideally, it should be a 32×32 pixels or a 16×16 pixels. Most modern browsers can display a favicon in PNG format but older versions of Internet Explorer may not. To make sure your favicon be shown nicely, it is recommended to be in .ico format. Add your favicon in our customizer simply by clicking “Open Library” button in “Custom Favicon”, selecting your existing image or uploading new image.
  • Enable Smart Sidebar: Smart Sidebar will appear in the right side when users scroll down. Click to Enable/ Disable as your preference.
  • Enable Count Share List Posts: Count Share will appear on your post. Turn On/Off to enable/disable Count Share.
  • Back To Top Button: Back To Top Button will appear in the right bottom when users scroll down. Enable/Disable as your preference.
  • Enable Page Heading: Page heading will appear in the header of site. When you enable this option you will have header background image on blog page, shop page, page..

Design and Layout

  • Style Layout: This option will help you set Style & Layout for your site. We provide two layout styles, include : Boxed Layout and Fullwidth layout. With Boxed layout, you will have additional options for max site width background color or image setting.
  • Color: This option allow you set the color for links and various elements for your site.

Primary Color: you can change primary color by this options. There is table color which allows to select color you want or enter your color code on box


You can customize your Typography settings here. Jobmonster integrated all Google Fonts. See font preview at Google Fonts.

  • Custom Fonts: Enable Custom Fonts to customize font, font size and other settings for heading and body text.
  • Custom Font Color: Enable Custom Font Color to customize font color of heading and body.
  • Headings: If checked on Transform to Uppercase, you will have heading <h1> <h2> <h3> which is uppercase type.
  • Body: You can change font size of body by selecting font size from dropdown list.


Customize settings for Heading including Navigation Bar, Logo and NavBar Alignment.

Navigation Bar

Adjust setting for Navigation Bar. You also can customize some settings for Toggle Button on Mobile in this section.

  • NavBar Position: This option allows you to select type of for NavBar, includes Static Top and Fixed Top.
  • Show Search Box: If On, you will have search option on main menu.
  • Use Custom NavBar Font and color: If On, you can change font, font size, link color and link hover color for header font.

Notica allows to add image file or user text for logo. You will see button to turn On/Off Use Image for Logo.

If Off, you will have option to enter your site name, select logo font from Google font, font size and color for your logo.

If On, you will have three logo images to upload.  The first one is for standard desktop while the second one is for retina ready devices (optional) and one is fixed menu logo. Click the Upload button and select your logo file. Upload your logo image and retina one (a larger image, with double the amount of pixels that your image will be displayed at). Enter your image height you want to display on navigation bar and we will do the calculation part for you to make it look great on all screen size.

NavBar Alignment

Adjust height of navigation bar, space between links and size of mobile navigation button.

Top Bar

Top Bar lays on top of your site, above Navigation Bar. It is suitable for placing contact information and social media link. Enable to control its layout and content.

  • Enable Top Bar: If On, you will see green triangle button which allows open/close Top Bar.
  • Top Bar Type: You can select type Top Bar that displayed on your site.
    • If select Top Menu you need to choose menu which displayed on Top Bar.
    • If select HTML Content, you need to enter HTML code on Custom Content box.
  • Enable Today Date: If On, you will have date on left position ofTop Menu.
  • Enable Left Menu: If On, you will have Menu on Left potion of Top Menu.
  • Enable Social: This option allows you to on/off social on right position of Top Menu.
  • Enable Dropdown Top Pin Board: If you don’t want to display Dropdown Top Pin Board, you can Off this option.
  • Limit Items: The maximum of number posts will be displayed on Dropdown Top Pin Board.
  • Slider Columns: The columns attribute control how wide are column of post should be displayed on Dropdown Top Pin Board section.


Footer contains Widgetized area and Bottom Bar. This section describes all settings for Footer in your site.

  • Footer Columns (Widgetized): set the footer column number from drop-down list. Number of columns can be from 1 to 4. You also can select None to leave it blank (no footer content).
  • Bottom Bar Content: Add content shown in bottom bar.


This section enables you to add and customize Widgets on your preview site. It includes Main Sidebar and the number of Footer Columns due to setting in above section: Footer settings.

Footer Column #i: Add text, image or other widget by hitting Add a Widget button.


Post List

Choose layout setting for your Post List.

  • Blog layout: It can be full-width, right sidebar or left sidebar. If you choose layout with sidebar, select blog sidebar for your blog.
  • Blog sidebar: Choose a sidebar for your blog pages, including Main Sidebar, Contact Sidebar and Home Sidebar
  • Heading Title: Enter title for blog page here. Your title will be displayed in center of background image.
  • Default Heading Image: You will have background image on header of blog page if you click “Select Image” button then choose your image.
  • Enable Featured Slideshow: If On, you will have one slider which displayed on Blog Classic. You can configure the number of post for slider.
  • Show Post Meta: Check the box to show post meta of Blog page.
  • Show Read more link: Check the box to show read more link.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post selection.

Single Post

  • Post Layout: Choose Post layout same as blog layout by checking the boxes beside options or uncheck to choose another layout.
  • Enable Related Post: This option allows you to on/off related post
  • Enable Social Sharing: Enable/Disable Social Sharing. If enable, you enable visitor to share your post by Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest.
  • Show Post Meta: If checked, post me-ta will display on each post. Similarly, you can choose show/hide post tags and author’s bio.
  • Enable Sharing Title: If On, you can share post by Social Sharing.

Social Media

This option will help you input URLs of your social media profile. Inputting URL here means that corresponding social icon will be displayed when Social Icon is enabled on Top Bar and/ or Bottom Bar.

Custom Code

In this section you can add custom JavaScript and CSS to your site. You Google analytics tracking code should be added to Custom JavaScript field.

Import/Export Setting

All themes from NooTheme share the same theme settings structure so you can export then import setting from one theme to another conveniently with our any problem.

  • Import Settings: Click Upload button then choose a JSON file (.json) from your computer to import setting to this theme. All the settings will be loaded for preview here and will not be saved until you click button “Save and Publish”.
  • Export Setting: Simply click Download button to export all your settings to a JSON file (.json). You then can use that file to restore theme settings to any theme of NooTheme.