Post types – NooTheme NooTheme Fri, 25 Dec 2015 07:10:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Post types – NooTheme 32 32 Post types Sun, 18 Oct 2015 14:11:19 +0000 Usually, the theme only has a type of post called Blog post. However, hardly have you activated Noo Post Type plugin when you have 5 further kinds of post. So now the number of post types is 6, namely Blog post, Posts in Team member, Testimonial, Services, Coupons and Project.

1. Blog post

It is obvious that blog posts will be shown on Blog page

In Admin panel, please go to Posts. You can see subordinate parts like All posts (to see all created posts), Add New (to create a new post), Categories (to classify posts) and Tags (to classify posts but in a more specific way, tags can be keywords that are indicated in a post).

When you intended to create posts, you had surely thought of generating all categories for posts. So we will begin with building categories:

Adding a new category is very easy: enter name of category and click on Add New Category button. As you can see, in our example, we created 7 categories for Blog posts. They are Car, Car Services, Car Tuning, Care Tips, Mechanic, Painting and Vehicle.



Add a new post
Step 1
: Enter title and content of the post.
Step 2: Now turning to the right side, you will complete some sections such as Format, Categories, Tags and Featured image.
Step 3: Remember to click Publish to complete creating the post.


2. Team Member

Similar to Blog post, firstly, you will create Team categories. In our demo, we produce 2 categories named Leader and Member.
Next, Add New Team Members. Please notice that data you create in this section will be shown in 06 Team member section of Home page
Step 1: Enter title
Step 2: Complete Team Member Information (Image, Name, Position, Phone, Email and Experience), Media Data (link of social pages like Facebook, Twitter,etc), Specialty (give a Description and add Properties here), Certificates (give a Description here)
Step 3: Turn to the right side and opt team category for the post
Step 4: Do not forget to click Publish button to finish creating a new team member.


3. Service

Services will be shown in 02 Our Services section of Homepage, on Service 1 and Service 2 pages.


Add a new service category
Go to Services > Services Categories > enter name of the category in Name section, you can upload an image of the category in Icon Image section > click Add New Services Categories button.


Add a new service
Enter title > enter content of the service > choose a service category in Services Categories> upload a featured image in Featured image section> Publish

3.1. Services on other demos


Add a new service
Only by carrying out simple and popular steps such as entering title, content, opting service category, uploading a featured image can you create a new service in Carle demo. However, the way in which you build content of a service in Printing demo will be a bit different. You will have to use shortcodes to create the content instead of typing it. This task is similar to  building a page.
A typical service in our Printing demo will be shown like this:


See the image of all the shortcodes used to form this service


Red Row 1 represents Overview section of the service. It contains the following shorcodes:


  • Text Block:
    General: enter title and content of the section here
  • Noo Image Slider:
    General options:
    Image size: the size can be thumbnail, medium, large, full or other sizes defined by the current theme. Besides, you can also enter image size in pixels such as 200×100 (widthxheight). Leave empty to use thumbnail size.
    Images: opt images in media library.
    Design options: you can make changes to CSS box, border color, border style, border radius, background and box controls.


Red Row 2 represents Why are we better than other ones. It contains the following shortcode:

  • Text block:
    General: Enter title and content of the section


Red Row 3 represents What is included section of the service. It contains the following short codes:

  • Text Block:
    General: Enter title of the section here


  • Accordion: After this shortcode is added, it will generate some sections which allow you to create small parts of “What is included”. Content of each accordion section is formed by Text Block shortcode.

Accordion settings:

Section settings and Tex Block settings

4. Testimonials

Testimonials are shown on Clients page


Add a New Testimonial Category
Go to Testimonial > Testimonial Categories > Enter name of category > click Add New Testimonial Category


Add a New Testimonial:
: Enter title, content of the testimonial

Step 2: Complete testimonial options like Avatar (upload an image here), Name, Position. Opt a testimonial category on the right side.

Step 3: Click Publish button



5. Coupons

Coupons are shown on Special Offers page
Add a new coupon:

Coupons > Add New> Enter title > It is up to you to upload a featured image on the right side> Publish.


6. Projects

Note: We do not provide you with project demo in Carle. Yet, you can learn about creating this part in Printing demo. Projects formed in Admin dashboard will be shown in 02 Featured Projects of Printing`s Home page.

Add a new Project category:

Project> Project categories> Enter name, slug, description > click Add New Project category button



Add a new Project
Step 1
: Go to Project > Add New> Enter title and content of the project

Step 2: Navigate to Custom field below content area> add images in Gallery, click Add then enter name and link download in Attach, click Add then enter Label and Value in Project info.

Step 3: On the right side, opt a project category and upload a featured image.

Step 4: Click Publish button to complete.





