Shortcode – NooTheme NooTheme Fri, 30 Sep 2016 07:45:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shortcode – NooTheme 32 32 By Yogi Shortcodes Wed, 27 May 2015 04:30:14 +0000 Instead of writing lines of code to build elements, we built Yogi with number of premade shortcodes that enable you to create many elements you see in our demo in fingertips.  By installing Visual Composer (the page builder plugin integrated in the theme package), you will have the Visual Backend Editor where every shortcodes are displayed visually before your eyes and easily generated in several clicks. In addition to Default Visual Composer shortcodes, Yogi comes with 6 specific shortcodes. To generate the shortcodes, go to Backend Editor, click the “+” icon to add shortcode. Navigate to Yogi tab to find a shortcode you want to use. You can add those shortcode to any pages or posts for your own use.

There are 6 Yogi custom Shortcodes. Below are the list of 6 shortcodes and their attributes:


Noo Recent News shortcode

Noo Recent News shortcode is used to show recent post on Homepage.

Detail option:

  • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
  • Columns: The columns attribute controls width of columns should be displayed on Recent News shortcode. You can change number of columns from 2 to 4 columns
  • Post per page: This option allows you to select how many posts to show on one.
  • Excerpt Length: The number of characters displayed on post selection.
  • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Noo Recent Class Shortcode

Use this shortcode if you want to show the latest class items as in Home Classic page in our demo.

Detail option:

      • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
      • Columns: The columns attribute controls width of column should be displayed on Recent Class shortcode. You can choose from 3 to 6 columns.
      • Class Categories: Select class categories to get recent class item from certain class categories. You can select All just to get latest classes.
      • Trainer: pick trainers you want in the drop-down list here
      • Class Categories: Select class categories to get recent class item from certain class categories. You can select All just to get latest classes.
      • Post Per Page: This option allows you to select how many posts will be displayed on one Recent Class page.
      • Order by: Order of the classes can be recent first, order first, title alphabet or title reversed alphabet
      • Layout Style: This option will help you to choose Layout Style for Recent New shortcode. That includes Default and Info Overlay
      • Show Info: You can choose Show Date&Time of the class, Only Date, Only Time or No Show Date&Time

default layout

Default Style

default layout

Info Overlay

      • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Noo Video Slider

This shortcode is used to show video post on Home page.

Detail option:

      • Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
      • Post Per Slide: This option allows you to the number of video post which will be displayed on one slide.
      • Post Per Page: This option allows you to select how many posts will be displayed on one page.
      • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.
      • Class: Enter a unique class name.
      • Custom Style: Enter inline CSS.

Noo Testimonial Shortcode

This shortcode allows you to show all testimonials with testimonial slider. You can see this shortcode on Home Classic in our demo.

Detail option:

      • Testimonial Title: Enter text which will be used as element title. Leave blank if no title is needed.
      • Testimonial Image Per Page: The number of customer’s images will be displayed per page.
      • Auto Play: If Yes, your testimonial slider will be automatically transmitted on your page.
      • Slider Duration: The duration which one testimonial is automatically transmitted on your page. Note: with Mini-seconds unit (1000=1 second).
      • Show Name/ Show Position: This option allows you to display/not display name/ position of customers on your page.
      • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Noo Events

Detail option:

  • Choose Style: The style can be Grid or List
  • Post per page: The number of posts per page
  • Event categories: pick event categories in the drop-down list here
  • Event locations: opt event locations in the drop-down list here
  • Order Events By: Start Date or Added Date
  • Order Events Direction: Descending (from the newest event to the oldest one) or vice versa, Ascending (
  • Show pagination: opt Yes or No to show or hide pagination
  • Hide past events, hide events time, hide events date, hide events location: tick these boxes to hide these factors
  • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Noo Trainer

Use this shortcode if you want to get list of trainers to display on any page as Homepage in our demo.

Detail option:

      • Columns: Number of columns of trainers displayed. The columns attribute controls width of columns should be displayed on Trainer page.
      • Grid Style: You can choose layout style for trainer page that includes masonry grid and standard grid.
      • Trainer Categories: Select categories of trainers to display on your page. Select All to get latest trainers listed.
      • Show Category Filter: If checked, you will have category filter bar (as in trainer listing page) above trainer list that will help you to filter trainers by category.
      • Max Number of Post: The maximum number of trainers will be displayed on your page.
      • Heading: Enter your title of trainer list. Leave blank if no title is needed.
      • Sub-Heading: Enter your subtitle here. The subtitle will be display below title.
      • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Product Masonry Shortcode

Use this shortcode if you want to build shop masonry page.

Detail option:

      • Categories: Select categories of which product items are displayed on shop page.
      • Product Per page: This option allows you to choose number of products that will be displayed per page.
      • Columns: Number of product columns. The column attribute controls the width of column should be displayed on Product Masonry page.
      • Products Ordering: This option will help you arrange your products following different order criteria including Publish Date, Modified Date, Random, Alphabetic, Popularity Rate and Price.
      • Sorting: This option will help you arrange your products in ascending or descending order regarding order criteria you set above.
      • Visibility: Select devices on which the post will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/Tablet/PC devices.

Class Schedule Shortcode

Use this shortcode if you want to build Class Schedule page

  • Schedule Min Time: This is time start of schedule.
  • Schedule Max Time: This is time end of schedule.
  • Schedule height: Input height of the schedule, leave blank for the auto height
  • Hides Time from schedule: Selected hours will be hidden in the schedule. Please notice that you should not opt hours at which classes are operating as it may lead to the wrong calculation.
  • Visibility: Select devices on which the schedule will be displayed. You can choose Show/Hide on Phone/ Tablet/PC

