Functionality – NooTheme NooTheme Fri, 11 Dec 2015 02:06:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Functionality – NooTheme 32 32 Reset and Disable NOO Menu Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:01:48 +0000 You will notice at the bottom of the NOO Menu setting page, there’re two link buttons: ‘Clear all setting’ and ‘Disable NOO Menu’ these option is used for reset all NOO Menu setting or disable NOO Menu completely. If NOO Menu is disabled, your menu will use original structure and styling of your theme.


NOO Menu – Functionality Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:58:24 +0000 This section contains the options for changing the function of NOO Menu. Below are the details for each option:


  • Orientation: NOO Menu support Horizontal and Vertical menu and with this option you can change the orientation of your menu.
  • Submenu Direction: The direction of the submenu menu. Base on the Orientation, there’s 2 group of direction: submenu is Up and Down when the menu is horizontal; submenu from Left to Right or Right to Left when the menu is vertical.


This option is for changing the animation effect of the Sub Menu.

  • Animation: In NOO menu we supported 4 animation effects: Slide, Fade, Zoom and Elastic. If you choose None, the animation will be turn off.
  • Animation Duration: the amount of time that the submenu takes for displaying.
  • Animation Delay: the amount of time from when you start hover on the item to the time when the sub menu is start displayed. This option usually used for avoid the submenu to display every time visitors just fly the mouse over the menu.

Mobile Action

Here you can choose how the Menu will act when view on small device like mobile. You can choose from 3 actions:

  • Collapse with Toggle Button: with this option, NOO Menu will collapse on mobile and showing one Toggle Button (the Mobile Menu button) responsive for displaying the menu.
  • Collapse no Toggle Button: this option is similar to the previous option, except that there’s no Toggle Button is displayed. This option should be used when your theme already has the Toggle Button. Also, because most of the responsive themes now have the Toggle Button, this option is selected by default.
  • Do nothing: the menu will not collapse on mobile, in other work, the responsive feature is disabled.

Sticky Settings

The sticky option makes your menu ‘stick’ to the top of the screen when user scroll pass the menu. This option is very common in today menu.

  • Use Sticky Menu: enable sticky menu on your site or not.
  • Sticky Margin Top (px): in case you want some space between sticky menu and the top border, just input your number here. The default value is 0.