translation – NooTheme NooTheme Tue, 27 Sep 2022 14:06:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 translation – NooTheme 32 32 How can I translate “search by candidate” placeholder text? Tue, 27 Sep 2022 14:06:41 +0000 Hi Codemaster,

As the title says, I want to translate “Seach by candidate” placeholder text which are found on the application page (“/member/manage-application/”) on the top right of the table. *Logged in as company.

Please find the attached as well.

In PO file, I only find “Search by Candidate Name” but not “Seach by candidate”. Therefore I cannot translate it.
I want to avoid touching theme file so it would be great if you could let me know what I should do.

Thank you!

I have my own PO file but it wasn’t created from POT but en_US.po Tue, 27 Sep 2022 12:45:33 +0000 Hi Code master,

I translated 14% of the English language file into my own language that doesn’t exist inside the noo-jobmonster > languages folder by a famous (as famous as job monster) plugin called Loco Translate.

14% though it has been a crazy amount of hours because didn’t use automatic translation tools like Deepl API etc…

My question is how I can merge my own language PO with your PO or POT when there is an update on the main POT in the future.

I really fear for that if I cannot merge the file because of the time I took for 14%…
I don’t know why but somewhat I used the existing en_US PO file as a base and then created my language file not via POT file.

Your advice is really appreciated.

Translation issues with Locotranslate Tue, 16 Nov 2021 00:24:37 +0000 Hello,

I have issues with some translations in my website:

For example, the button text ”Learn more” doesn’t translate.

Loco Translation Eng -> Ger Thu, 29 Apr 2021 10:42:53 +0000 Hey

I want to translate the MonsterTheme into German. I installed the “Loco Translator” and followed all the setp in your documentation but there is not a single word that gets translated.

I took a lock into the PO-file and even there is nothing translated.

Can you help me?


Best regrads

Loco Translation Eng -> Ger Thu, 29 Apr 2021 10:37:47 +0000 Hey

I want to translate the MonsterJob Theme into German. I installed the plun-in “Loco Translator” and followed the steps of the example in your documentation but there is not a single word that gets translated.

I took a look in to the PO-file and there is also no word translated.

Best regard, Maxi



Translate we Found # jobs for you Fri, 29 Jan 2021 09:21:59 +0000 HI, i want to translate ” We found # jobs for you”. Currently I am using loco translate but I can’t find it in here. I also tried a few of the other solutions mentioned in this forum but it isn’t working for me.


Is there anyone who has a solution to solve this problem? Or can give me some advice?

Can’t translate 2 pieces of text Tue, 04 Aug 2020 09:53:16 +0000 I have used Loco Translate to translate Job Monster from English to Dutch. That has worked almost perfectly. However I have 2 issues when viewing jobs (see attachment): “We found % available jobs” and “Showing # of # jobs” show up in Loco translate, I translate them but nothing changes. These are the only two sentences I have issues with, the rest change immediately or after clearing cache. How can I edit these texts?

Thanks for your time


Cant find a specific translation anymore which I translated before Thu, 09 Jul 2020 16:10:27 +0000 Hi there,

I changed a translation long time a go, but the translations is not good anymore. But The translated words are nowehere to be found anymore. Not in the child theme tanslation files and not in the theme files.

It’s the translation that someone need to go to the email for confirmation, see attachement

Thanks for your help

Dutch language file Mon, 29 Jun 2020 19:26:50 +0000 I Read on themeforrest that you have a dutch translation file? Could you provide that file? Is it a 100% transalation?


Translations issues “proximity” and status Wed, 17 Jun 2020 11:26:11 +0000 Hi


im translating the plugin for my side and have two strings i cant translate with loco translate or with custom strings.


I cant tranlsate “proximity: 30 mîles” it must translated into “Umkreis %s km”
I use it on two pages: landing page and the sidebar on /stellenangebote.

Landing PageSidebar


I cant translate the status on /manage-plan

Some strings are translateble some not…as example “completed” cant be found by loco.


Translations Thu, 07 May 2020 14:02:10 +0000 How does the automatich translation plugin of loco work?

How can we use it?

Translation with PO and MO files Thu, 27 Feb 2020 11:45:07 +0000 Hello, I translated the POT file, created another “languages” folder in the child theme and uploaded the PO and MO files inside of that. I don’t know how to modify the function.php file to load those translation files.

Can you help me? It’s urgent…

