Mebla – NooTheme NooTheme Sat, 12 Nov 2016 08:14:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mebla – NooTheme 32 32 About Us Page Thu, 25 Aug 2016 10:15:26 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create About Us Page

  1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The first column comprises a Text Block shortcode
♣ The second column comprises a Single Image shortcode

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first column contains a Single Image shortcode
♣ The second one comprises a Text Block shortcode and a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns. Each column includes 3 Noo Services shortcodes
5. Noo Services

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column includes a Noo Team shortcode
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here
Categories: Choose a Team Member category which will be shown
Order By: This option determines display order of team members based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page

FAQ Page Thu, 25 Aug 2016 10:02:15 +0000

Tour shortcode is used to create FAQ page. After adding this one, you will see some sections. You can add an FAQ shortcode to each section.

Blog Pages Thu, 25 Aug 2016 09:54:33 +0000
  1. Blog Page

To build this page, you only need to enter title of the page and click the Publish button. After that, you will carry out one further step: Navigate to Settings>Reading> opt Blog in Posts page section> Save changes.“Why does this page not have any shortcodes but it will still contain content when the page is exhibited on the site?”You may be intrigued by this question. The reason is that you decided on Blog in above-mentioned Posts Page section. In this case, it takes all the latest blog posts originating from Posts in Admin Panel

2. Blog Masonry Page

There are two shortcodes used to create Blog Masonry Page. They are Row and Noo Blog Masonry shortcodes

Noo Blog Masonry settings:
Data Source: Select a data source from which blog posts are taken
Categories: Select categories that will be shown
Columns: The number of displayed columns fluctuates between 2 and 4
Order By: This option determines display order of posts based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts Per Page: The number of posts is showcased on a page
Excerpt length: The number you enter here is equal to the number of words included in the excerpt.

Page Settings Thu, 25 Aug 2016 09:20:19 +0000

When you create a new page, you will have options to change elements of Heading and Header

♣ Heading settings:

Show Settings: Tick Show or Hide
Sub Title: Enter a sub title for the heading area
Height of Heading background: You can adjust height of heading background
Using parallax for heading: Tick this box if you want to enable parallax effect for heading
Heading Bakground Image: Upload an image


♣ Header setting: Tick a box to select a Header style
Navbar position: There are 3 options that are Use Navbar Position in customizer, Static Top and Fixed Top.
Static Top, in this case, the NavBar does not move. It means that when you scroll down on the page and let the mouse pass the NavBar, you will not see the NavBar displayed on top. However, Fixed Top will allow you to see the NavBar when you scroll down the mouse

♣ Note: In spite of what you set up in Customizer, all options in Page settings will always be prioritized

Home Page 7 Thu, 25 Aug 2016 07:38:16 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create Home Page 7

1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Revolution Slider shortcode

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 3 columns
♣ Each column contains a Noo Services shortcode
5. Noo Services

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid

4. Red Row 4

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Text Block shortcode. In this shortcode settings, you  will go to General/ Text/ add link of the Show More button.

5. Red Row 5

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ Each column contains a Single Image shortcode

6. Red Row 6

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid

7. Red Row 7

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣The column contains a Noo Partner shortcode
6. Noo Partner

Home Page 6 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 10:23:39 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create Home Page 6

  1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Revolution Slider

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 4 columns
♣ The column includes a Noo Services shortcode
5. Noo Services

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first column contains a Noo Simple Banner
Content Position:
This option handles position of title and link button. There are 2 options that are Content Left and Content Right
Image: Upload an image here
Title: Enter a title
Link: Enter a link and title of the link
♣ The second one includes a Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid

4. Red Row 4

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Partner shortcode
6. Noo Partner

5. Red Row 5

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first column contains Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid
♣ The second one comprises a Noo Simple Banner shortcode
8. Noo Simple Banner

6. Red Row 6

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Noo Testimonial shortcode
3. Noo Testimonial

7. Red Row 7

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column includes a Noo Blog shortcode
11. Noo Blog

8. Red Row 8

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣The column contains a Noo Mailchimp shortcode
4. Noo Mailchimp

Home Page 5 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 09:19:18 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create Home Page 5

  1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Revolution Slider

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 3 columns
♣ Each column comprises a Custom Link shortcode
Style: There are 2 styles which are Content Top and Content Bottom
Title: Enter a title
Description: Give a short description
Link: Enter a link and its title

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid

4. Red Row 4

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column includes a Product Countdown
Choose Date: Enter a date on which the countdown will end
Select Identification: You can input product ID or product SKU or product title to see suggestions

5. Red Row 5

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Grid shortcode

6. Red Row 6

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Noo Blog shortcode
14. Noo Blog

7. Red Row 7

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Partner shortcode
6. Noo Partner

8. Red Row 8

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Mailchimp shortcode
4. Noo Mailchimp

Home Page 4 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 07:40:27 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create Home Page 4

  1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row short code whose style is one column
♣The column contains a Revolution Slider. You can choose a slider you created in Slider Revolution section

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Product Simple shortcode
General options
Choose categories: Choose categories whose products are shown
Order By: This option decides display order of products based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Limit: This option places a limit on the number of shown products
Banner options
Banner Style: This option controls position of Banner. There are 2 styles which are Banner Left and Banner Right
Content Style: This option handles position of Title, Description and Link button. There are 3 styles which are Bottom Right, Top Left and Center center
Upload Banner: Upload a banner
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Link: Enter link and title of the link

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Product Simple shortcode
13. Product Simple

4. Red Row 4

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Simple shortcode

5. Red Row 5

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Simple shortcode

Home Page 3 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 04:44:53 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create Home Page 3

  1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Revolution Slider

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Raw HTML shortcode

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first one includes a Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid
♣ The second one comprises a Short Image shortcode
Short Image settings
Style: there are 2 styles which are Style Right and Style Left. This option decides position of the image
Image: Upload an image here
Title: Enter a title here

4. Red Row 4

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first one includes a Short Image shortcode
14. Short Image
♣ The second one comprises a Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid

5. Red Row 5

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Partner shortcode
6. Noo Partner

6. Red Row 6

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column includes a Noo Blog shortcode
14. Noo Blog

7. Red Row 7

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column includes a Noo Mailchimp shortcode
4. Noo Mailchimp

Home Page 2 Mon, 22 Aug 2016 03:05:12 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create Home Page 2

  1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 3 columns
♣ Each column contains a Single Image shortcode

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣The column contains a Product Grid shortcode
1. Product Grid

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Testimonial
3. Noo Testimonial

4. Red Row 4

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Grid shortcode

5. Red Row 5

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Simple Countdown
9. Noo Simple Countdown

6. Red Row 6

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column comprises a Noo Blog shortcode
11. Noo Blog

7. Red Row 7

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 3 columns
♣ Each column includes a Noo Services shortcode
Style: There are 2 styles which are Style Center and Style Left
Choose Icon: There are 2 kinds of icon. If you select Font, you will have a drop-down list of icons. Meanwhile, when you select Image, you will have an option to upload an image
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description here

8. Red Row 8

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Mailchimp shortcode
4. Noo Mailchimp

Home Page Sat, 20 Aug 2016 02:11:40 +0000

Here are images of shortcodes used to create Home Page

  1. Red Row 1

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Revolution Slider shortcode (select a home slider you created in Slider Revolution)

2. Red Row 2

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The second one comprises a Noo Banner shortcode
Style Item: There are 3 styles which are Default, Vertical and Horizontal

If you select Default style, you will only have 2 extra options to complete:
Upload Image: Upload images here
Link: When you click on image, it will direct you to this link
Meanwhile, when you select the rest 2 styles, you will have the following options:
Color: Select a color for the title
Title: Enter a title here
Link: Enter a link
Link Text: Give a name to the link. For example, it is View Detail. When you click on View Detail, it will lead you to that link

You can click + icon to add extra sections.

3. Red Row 3

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Grid shortcode
Title: Enter a title here
Sub title: Enter a sub title
Choose Style: There are 3 styles which are Style One, Style Two or Style Three
Using Masonry: This option controls loading effect of products. If you select Yes, you can minimize the screen to see this effect in a clear way.

Choose Data: Select a data from which products will be shown. The Data can be Recent Products, Featured Products, Best selling products, sale products and By categories.
Choose categories: select product categories which will be shown (only available to data of By categories)
Choose Style: There are 2 styles that are No filter and Style Filter (only available to data of By Categories)
Choose columns: The number of columns is shown. This number fluctuates between 1 and 5
Order By: This option handles display order of products based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Limited: This option restricts the number of products displayed in the section using this shortcode



4. Red Row 4

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first column comprises a Noo Simple Countdown
General options
Style Item: There are
Background: Upload a background image
Choose Date: the date on which the countdown will end
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Link: Insert a link and name of the link here

Design options (these options are only available to Simple Countdown left)
Background wrapper: Upload a wrapper
Title wrapper: Enter a wrapper title
Description wrapper: Enter a short description for wrapper


The second column contains a Product Group Sale shortcode
Title: Enter a title
Image: Upload an image
Sub title: Enter a sub title
Description: Give a short description
Order By: This option controls display order of products based on Older First, Recent First, Title Alphabet and Title Reversed Alphabet
Limited: This option places a limit on the number of shown products


5. Red Row 5

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Partner shortcode
Limited Post of slider: This option places a limit on number of images per slider
Upload Images: You can upload many images here
Custom link: Enter link of images here. Links are separated by Enter
Custom Link Target: Links can be opened in the same window or in a new window
Auto play: Select Yes so that the slider can run automatically

6. Red Row 6

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Noo Blog shortcode
Title: Enter a title here
Description: Give a short description
Blog Style: There are 5 styles
Data source: Data can be taken from three sources which are category, tags and posts
Categories: Select blog categories here
Order By: This option handles display order of blog posts based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Posts per page: The number of posts is shown per page
Excerpt length: The number entered here is equal to the number of words included in the excerpt
Link: Enter a link and title of the link. This title will be shown at the bottom of this section

7. Red Row 7

♣ It has a Row shortcode whose style is one column
♣ The column contains a Product Simple Slider shortcode

Choose Categories: Select categories whose products will be shown
Order By: This option determines the display order of products based on Recent First, Older First, Title Alphabet or Title Reversed Alphabet
Limit: This option places a limit on the number of shown products
Config columns slider: The number of columns is shown on the slider. It fluctuates between 1 and 5
Auto Slider: Select True so that the slider can run automatically


8. Red Row 8

♣ It  has a Row shortcode whose style is 2 columns
♣ The first column contains a Noo Mailchimp shortcode
Choose Style: There are 4 stylesTitle: Enter a title
Description: Give a short description here
Note: In order that Noo Mailchimp can function properly, you will need to install and activate Mailchimp For WordPress plugin. Then you will paste these codes into Admin panel> Mailchimp For WordPress> Forms> Fields

<input type="email" name="EMAIL" placeholder="Your email address" required />
<input type="submit" value="subscribe" />

♣ The second one comprises a Noo Testimonial shortcode

Choose Style: There are 2 styles which are Default and Thumbnail Control
Categories: Select a category or all categories
Limited Testimonial: This option places a limit on the number of testimonials
Order By: This option handles the display order of Testimonials
Auto Play: Choose Yes so that the slider can run automatically

♣ To set up Home Page as Front Page, please go to Settings/ Reading/ Tick A static page and choose Home Page in Front Page section.


Sidebars & Widgets Fri, 05 Aug 2016 03:53:36 +0000
Umbra allows you to create an unlimited number of sidebar. Each page or post can come with a unique sidebar. To select a sidebar for post or page, make sure you set page template with sidebar . You may need to create several separate sidebars to use for different pages and posts. Follow these steps to generate a sidebar and add widgets to it


Create A Sidebar


Step 1: Navigate to Appearance–> Sidebar Generator and click the Add New button, enter sidebar title then save. You can add as many sidebars as you need.
Step 2: Once you are done, you need to add Widgets to the sidebar you just created.
Step 3: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets and find your sidebar on the right side.
Step 4: On the left hand side you will see all the widgets you can use, simply drag and drop the widget you want into your sidebar on the right hand site.
Step 5: Make sure you click Save to save the widgets added to your sidebar


Add widgets to a sidebar


You can add any widget and any number of widgets to your sidebar. All widgets are accessible from Appearance–>Widgets and easily dragged and dropped to your sidebar.
Step 1
: Navigate to Appearance–> Widgets to access the list of widgets and widget section that they can be added. The left hand side shows all the widgets you can use. The right hand side shows all different sections you can add widgets to.
Step 2: Simply drag and drop the widget you want into the widgets section you want the right hand side.
Step 3: Don’t forget to click save changes after you customize any widget in sidebar


The image above illustrates 2 sidebars that are Main sidebar and Shop Sidebar


1. Main Sidebar


This sidebar is shown on Blog Page. It contains some widgets:

Search : Title (Enter a title)
Categories: Title (enter a title), Display as drop down, show post counts, show hierarchy (tick these boxes to show these items)
• Tag Cloud: Title (Enter a title), Taxonomy (Choose a kind of taxonomy to show)
Recent Posts: Title (Enter a title), Number of Posts to Show (The number of shown Recent Posts on sidebar, Display Post Date (Check this box to show post date)
• Noo Instagram: Enter title, Instagram username, number of shown images, refresh hour and randomise



2. Shop Sidebar


This sidebar is shown on Shop Page:
Woocommerce Product Search: Title (Enter a title)
Woocommerce Price Filter: Title (Enter a title)
Woocommerce Products: Title (Enter a title), Number of Products to Show (the number of shown products), Show (Select All products or a product category), Order By (Display order of products is based on Date, Price, Random and Sales), Order (select Ascending or Descending), Hide free products, Show hidden products
Woocommerce Products Tags: Title (Enter a title)

